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Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml is a medication used for the management and prevention of asthma symptoms. It contains the active ingredient Budesonide, which belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. Budecort Respules are formulated as a suspension for inhalation and are administered using a nebulizer device. You can buy Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml online in the USA/UK from Online Blue Pills.


Generic Name : Budesonide

Brand Name : Pulmicort Respules

Manufacturer Name : Cipla India

Product Code : OBP 177

Delivery Days : 10 To 12 Working Days

Composition : Budesonide

Strength : 0.5mg

Packaging : Respules Vial

Presentation : Injection Vial

Drug Class : Corticosteroids

Prescribed For : Treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Side Effects : Hoarseness of voice, Sore throat, Fungal infection of mouth, Respiratory tract infection, Muscle cramp

Pack Size/Qty Price Price Per Pill or unit  
90 RESPULES $84.60 $0.94

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60 RESPULES $60.60 $1.01

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30 RESPULES $33.30 $1.11

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What is Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml?

Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml is a medication that comes in the form of a suspension for inhalation. It contains the active ingredient Budesonide, which belongs to the class of drugs known as corticosteroids. Budecort Respules are primarily used for the management and prevention of asthma symptoms.

The medication is administered using a nebulizer device, which converts the liquid suspension into a fine mist that can be inhaled into the lungs. Budecort Respules contain a specific concentration of Budesonide, with each 2ml unit containing 0.5mg of the active ingredient.

How does Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml work?

Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml contains the active ingredient Budesonide, which is a synthetic corticosteroid. Budesonide works by reducing inflammation and swelling in the airways, which helps to improve breathing and control asthma symptoms.

When inhaled into the lungs, Budesonide acts locally on the airway walls. It binds to specific receptors in the cells of the airways and reduces the production and release of substances that cause inflammation, such as histamines and leukotrienes. By doing so, Budesonide helps to decrease the swelling and narrowing of the airways, making it easier to breathe.

Budesonide also has anti-inflammatory properties, which further help to reduce the sensitivity of the airways and prevent asthma symptoms from occurring. It helps to prevent and control asthma attacks, reduce wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath, and improve lung function.

Ingredients and dosages Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml

The active ingredient in Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml is Budesonide. Budesonide is a synthetic corticosteroid that is used to treat asthma and other respiratory conditions.

The dosage of Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml refers to the amount of Budesonide present in each 2ml unit of the respule. In this case, each 2ml respule contains 0.5mg of Budesonide.

It is important to follow the prescribed dosage as recommended by your healthcare provider. The dosage may vary depending on the severity of your condition and your individual response to the medication. Your doctor will determine the appropriate dosage for you based on your specific needs. Always use the medication as directed and do not exceed the recommended dosage without consulting your doctor.

Who can use Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml?

Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml can be used by individuals who have been prescribed this medication by a healthcare professional. It is primarily used for the treatment of asthma and other respiratory conditions in both adults and children.

Common mistakes to avoid Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml

To ensure the safe and effective use of Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml, here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Incorrect Dosage: Always follow the prescribed dosage provided by your healthcare professional. Do not increase or decrease the dosage without consulting your doctor.
  • Using Expired Medication: Check the expiration date on the respules before use. Using expired medication may be ineffective or potentially harmful. Discard any expired respules and obtain a fresh supply.
  • Inadequate Cleaning: Clean the nebulizer cup and other components of the inhalation device regularly as per the manufacturer's instructions. Neglecting proper cleaning may lead to contamination and affect the effectiveness of the medication.
  • Not Using a Mouthpiece or Mask: Ensure that you use the appropriate mouthpiece or mask provided with the nebulizer. This helps in proper delivery of the medication to your respiratory system. Avoid inhaling directly from the nebulizer cup.
  • Not Following Hygiene Practices: Wash your hands thoroughly before handling the respules and assembling the nebulizer. This reduces the risk of introducing germs into the medication or respiratory system.
  • Not Using a Proper Nebulizer: Use a reliable and appropriate nebulizer machine or air compressor as recommended. Using a faulty or incompatible device may affect the delivery of the medication.
  • Ignoring Side Effects: Be aware of the potential side effects of Budecort Respules. If you experience any unusual or severe side effects, such as increased breathing difficulties, wheezing, or allergic reactions, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Discontinuing Use Abruptly: Do not stop using Budecort Respules abruptly without consulting your doctor. Follow the prescribed duration of treatment and discuss any concerns or plans to discontinue the medication with your healthcare professional.

Buy Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml Online in USA from Online Blue Pills

Welcome to Online Blue Pills, a reputable online pharmacy that caters to all your medical needs. If you're looking to purchase Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml online in the USA, Online Blue Pills is your ultimate destination. Experience the convenience of affordable prices and fast delivery exclusively across the USA through Online Blue Pills.


FAQs on Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml

Q: What is Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml used for?

A: Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml is used to treat asthma and other respiratory conditions characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways.

Q: How long does it take for Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml to start working?

A: The onset of action of Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml may vary among individuals. It usually takes a few days to weeks of regular use to experience the full therapeutic effects. It is important to use Budecort Respules as prescribed by your healthcare provider for optimal results.

Q: Can Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml be used in children?

A: Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml can be used in children, but the dosage and duration of treatment may be different from adults. It is important to follow the instructions provided by the healthcare provider and seek their guidance for the appropriate use in children.

Q: Can I use Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml during pregnancy?

A: The use of Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml during pregnancy should be discussed with your healthcare provider. They will consider the potential risks and benefits and make a decision based on your specific situation.

Q: Can I stop using Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml suddenly?

A: It is important not to stop using Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml suddenly without consulting your healthcare provider. They will guide you on the proper way to discontinue the medication to avoid any potential complications or worsening of symptoms.

Q: Can Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml be used for an acute asthma attack?

A: Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml is not intended for the immediate relief of acute asthma attacks. It is a preventive medication that is used regularly to manage and control asthma symptoms. For the treatment of acute asthma attacks, a rescue inhaler or other appropriate medications should be used as prescribed.

Q: Can I use Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml if I have an underlying medical condition?

A: The use of Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml in individuals with underlying medical conditions should be discussed with a healthcare provider. They will evaluate your medical history and determine if Budecort Respules is safe and appropriate for you.

Q: Can Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml interact with other medications?

A: Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml may interact with certain medications, including other inhalers or oral corticosteroids. It is important to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, to avoid any potential interactions.

Q: How should Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml be stored?

A: Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep it out of the reach of children. Follow the storage instructions provided by the manufacturer or on the product packaging.

Side Effect

Common side effects of Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml

Common side effects of Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml may include:

  • Throat Irritation: You may experience a mild irritation or soreness in the throat after using Budecort Respules.
  • Hoarseness: Some individuals may develop hoarseness or changes in voice quality while using Budecort Respules.
  • Coughing: A dry or persistent cough may occur as a side effect of Budecort Respules.
  • Oral Thrush: In some cases, the use of Budecort Respules may increase the risk of developing oral thrush, which is a fungal infection in the mouth. It can cause white patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, and throat.
  • Headache: You may experience mild to moderate headaches while using Budecort Respules.
  • Nausea: Some individuals may experience a feeling of nausea or mild stomach discomfort.
  • Nasal Congestion: Budecort Respules may cause temporary nasal congestion or stuffiness.
  • Dizziness: In rare cases, Budecort Respules may cause dizziness or lightheadedness.
  • Sleep disturbances: Budecort Respules may disrupt sleep patterns in some individuals, causing difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • Muscle cramps: There have been reports of muscle cramps or muscle pain associated with the use of Budecort Respules.


Uses of Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml

Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml is primarily used for the following purposes:

Asthma: Budecort Respules is commonly prescribed for the management and prevention of asthma symptoms. It helps to reduce inflammation and swelling in the airways, making it easier to breathe and preventing asthma attacks.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): It may also be used in the treatment of COPD, a progressive lung disease that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Budecort Respules helps to alleviate symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

Allergic Rhinitis: Budecort Respules can be prescribed to relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion caused by allergies.

Other Respiratory Conditions: Budecort Respules may be used for the management of other respiratory conditions characterized by inflammation and swelling in the airways.

How to use Budecort Respules 0.5Mg Per 2Ml?

To use Budecort Respules 0.5mg per 2ml, please follow the instructions below:

  • Prepare the Inhalation Device: Attach the provided nebulizer to the air compressor or nebulizer machine according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Open the Respule: Twist and remove the top of the respule to expose the liquid medication. Be careful not to spill or touch the solution.
  • Fill the Nebulizer: Squeeze the contents of the respule into the nebulizer cup. Use the appropriate measuring device to ensure you are using the correct dosage as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Assemble the Nebulizer: Attach the mouthpiece or mask to the nebulizer cup, ensuring a secure fit. If using a mask, place it over your mouth and nose, covering them completely.
  • Breathe in the Medication: Hold the mouthpiece between your teeth or place the mask securely over your face. Turn on the nebulizer machine and breathe in the medication deeply and slowly through your mouth or nose. Continue inhaling until the medication is fully consumed, which usually takes about 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse and Clean: After completing the inhalation, rinse your mouth with water to remove any residual medication. Clean the nebulizer cup and other components as per the manufacturer's instructions to maintain hygiene.
  • Follow the Recommended Dosage: Use Budecort Respules exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not exceed the recommended dosage or frequency of use unless instructed otherwise.


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The information provided on website is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized medical advice.


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