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Candid B Cream is a topical medication that is commonly used to treat a variety of skin conditions. It is a combination cream that contains two active ingredients: Clotrimazole and Beclomethasone Dipropionate. These ingredients work together to provide relief from itching, inflammation, and fungal infections of the skin. You can buy Candid B Cream online in the USA/UK from Online Blue Pills.

Generic Name : Clotrimazole.

Brand Name : Candid B

Manufacturer Name : Glenmark

Product Code : OBP 442

Delivery Days : 10 To 12 Working Days

Composition : Clotrimazole

Packaging : Tube Cream

Presentation : Tube Packing

Drug Class : Imidazoles

Prescribed For : Treat skin infections caused by fungi

Side Effects : Itching, Skin irritation, Allergic reactions

Pack Size/Qty Price Price Per Pill or unit  
06 TUBE'S $17.70 $2.95

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03 TUBE'S $10.11 $3.37

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01 TUBE $3.78 $3.78

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What is Candid B Cream?

Candid B Cream is a topical medication used to treat various skin conditions. It is a combination cream that contains two active ingredients: Clotrimazole and Beclomethasone Dipropionate.

Clotrimazole: This is an antifungal medication that is effective against a wide range of fungal infections, including those caused by yeasts and dermatophytes. It works by disrupting the cell membranes of the fungi, preventing them from growing and multiplying.

Beclomethasone Dipropionate: Beclomethasone is a corticosteroid that helps reduce inflammation, itching, and redness of the skin. It belongs to the class of medications known as corticosteroids, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

How does Candid B Cream work?

Candid B Cream works through the combined action of its two active ingredients: Clotrimazole and Beclomethasone Dipropionate.

Clotrimazole: Clotrimazole is an antifungal medication. Fungal cells have a different structure from human cells, and they rely on a sturdy cell membrane to maintain their integrity. Clotrimazole works by disrupting the cell membranes of the fungi, particularly yeasts and dermatophytes, which are responsible for various fungal infections. By interfering with the integrity of the fungal cell membrane, clotrimazole weakens the fungal cells and prevents them from growing, multiplying, and causing further infection. This ultimately leads to the elimination of the fungal infection.

Beclomethasone Dipropionate: Beclomethasone is a corticosteroid, and it has anti-inflammatory properties. When applied topically, it helps reduce inflammation, itching, redness, and swelling of the skin. Inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema and dermatitis, often involve an overactive immune response and the release of inflammatory substances. Beclomethasone works by inhibiting the release of these inflammatory substances and suppressing the immune response in the affected area. This helps alleviate the symptoms associated with inflammatory skin conditions.

Ingredients and dosages Candid B Cream

Candid B Cream contains two active ingredients: Clotrimazole and Beclomethasone Dipropionate. Here's a breakdown of these ingredients and their dosages:

1. Clotrimazole: Each gram of Candid B Cream typically contains 10 milligrams (mg) of Clotrimazole. Clotrimazole is an antifungal medication used to treat fungal skin infections.

2. Beclomethasone Dipropionate: Each gram of Candid B Cream typically contains 0.25 milligrams (mg) of Beclomethasone Dipropionate. Beclomethasone is a corticosteroid that has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to reduce itching, redness, and inflammation associated with skin conditions.

Who can use Candid B Cream?

Candid B Cream is typically used to treat various skin conditions, but its use should be guided by a healthcare professional. Here are some general guidelines on who can use Candid B Cream:

Fungal Infections: Candid B Cream is primarily used for fungal skin infections, such as ringworm, athlete's foot, and jock itch. Individuals with these fungal infections can use Candid B Cream, but it should be used under the guidance of a healthcare provider or as directed on the product label.

Inflammatory Skin Conditions: Beclomethasone Dipropionate, one of the active ingredients in Candid B Cream, is a corticosteroid with anti-inflammatory properties. It may be prescribed for inflammatory skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis when there is redness, itching, and inflammation. However, its use should be determined by a healthcare provider, as corticosteroids can have side effects and should not be used on certain skin conditions.

Prescription: Candid B Cream is often available only by prescription or under the supervision of a healthcare provider. The decision to use this cream and the appropriate dosage should be made by a healthcare professional based on the specific skin condition and individual factors.

Age Considerations: The use of Candid B Cream in children, the elderly, or during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be discussed with a healthcare provider. Special precautions may be necessary in these populations.

Contraindications: Candid B Cream should not be used by individuals with known allergies to its ingredients or those who have had adverse reactions to similar medications. It should also be avoided on open wounds or sores.

Common mistakes to avoid Candid B Cream

Here are common mistakes to avoid when using Candid B Cream:

  • Applying Excessive Cream: Using too much cream won't make it more effective and may increase the risk of side effects. Apply only a thin, even layer as directed by your healthcare provider or the product label.
  • Overusing or Prolonged Use: Using Candid B Cream for longer than prescribed can lead to skin thinning and other side effects, especially if it contains corticosteroids. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions regarding the duration of treatment.
  • Using on Broken or Infected Skin: Candid B Cream should not be applied to open wounds, broken skin, or areas with active infections, as it may worsen the condition. Treat any infections separately before applying the cream.
  • Applying to Sensitive Areas: Avoid applying Candid B Cream near the eyes, nose, mouth, or inside the vaginal or rectal areas unless specifically instructed by your healthcare provider. These areas are more sensitive and may react adversely to the cream.
  • Skipping Applications: Consistency is crucial. Skipping applications or not using Candid B Cream as directed can hinder its effectiveness.
  • Mixing with Other Products: Unless advised by a healthcare provider, do not mix Candid B Cream with other creams, lotions, or ointments, as this can alter its effectiveness or cause adverse reactions.
  • Not Following Healthcare Provider's Advice: Always follow your healthcare provider's recommendations regarding the frequency of application, duration of treatment, and any other specific instructions related to your condition.
  • Ignoring Side Effects: Be vigilant for any signs of allergic reactions or unusual side effects, such as severe itching, redness, or burning. If you experience these, discontinue use and seek medical attention.
  • Not Monitoring Progress: Keep track of your symptoms and the progress of your skin condition. If you see no improvement or if your condition worsens, inform your healthcare provider promptly.
  • Sharing Medication: Do not share Candid B Cream with others, even if they have similar symptoms. This medication is prescribed based on individual needs.
  • Discontinuing Prematurely: Complete the full course of treatment, even if your symptoms improve before it's finished. Stopping too soon can allow the infection to return.
  • Using Outdated Cream: Check the expiration date on the product label and do not use Candid B Cream if it has expired.


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FAQs on Candid B Cream

Q: What is Candid B Cream used for?

A: Candid B Cream is a topical medication used to treat various skin conditions, including fungal infections, itching, and inflammation. It contains an antifungal agent (clotrimazole) and a corticosteroid (betamethasone) to reduce itching and inflammation.

Q: How should I apply Candid B Cream?

A: Wash and dry the affected area before applying a thin layer of the cream. Gently rub it in and ensure it covers the entire affected area. Wash your hands after application unless you're treating your hands. Follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider or on the product label.

Q: How often should I use Candid B Cream?

A: The frequency of use depends on the specific condition being treated and your healthcare provider's instructions. Typically, it's applied once or twice daily. Follow your healthcare provider's guidance for the duration of treatment.

Q: Can I use Candid B Cream on my face?

A: Candid B Cream should be used on the face only if prescribed by a healthcare provider. Prolonged use on the face may lead to side effects, so it should be used under medical supervision.

Q: Are there any side effects of Candid B Cream?

A: Yes, Candid B Cream may cause side effects, including a mild burning or stinging sensation, redness, irritation, dryness, or peeling at the application site. Prolonged use or overuse can lead to thinning of the skin and other side effects. Allergic reactions are rare but possible. If you experience severe side effects or signs of an allergic reaction, discontinue use and seek medical attention.

Q: Can I use Candid B Cream during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

A: It's important to consult your healthcare provider before using Candid B Cream during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. They can assess the potential risks and benefits and recommend alternatives if necessary.

Q: Can I apply Candid B Cream on broken or open skin?

A: Candid B Cream should not be applied to open wounds or broken skin unless directed by a healthcare provider. Using it on such areas may increase the risk of side effects or secondary infections.

Q: Can I use Candid B Cream for a longer duration than prescribed?

A: It's essential to follow your healthcare provider's prescribed duration of use. Prolonged or excessive use can lead to side effects and may not provide additional benefits.

Q: Can I use other topical medications alongside Candid B Cream?

A: Avoid using other topical medications on the same area without consulting your healthcare provider, as they can interact or lead to adverse effects.

Q: What should I do if I miss a dose of Candid B Cream?

A: If you miss a dose, apply it as soon as you remember. However, if it's close to the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular schedule. Do not apply extra cream to make up for the missed dose.

Side Effect

Common side effects of Candid B Cream

Candid B Cream is a topical medication that may cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects, while not experienced by everyone, can include:

  • Burning or Stinging Sensation: You may experience a mild burning or stinging sensation at the application site. This is usually temporary and should subside after a short period.
  • Redness and Irritation: Some individuals may notice redness, irritation, or itching at the area where the cream is applied. This can be a common side effect, especially during the initial days of treatment.
  • Dryness or Peeling: Topical creams containing antifungal agents or corticosteroids can sometimes lead to dryness, flakiness, or peeling of the skin. This is often temporary and can be managed with moisturizers.
  • Allergic Reactions: Although less common, some people may be allergic to specific ingredients in Candid B Cream. Signs of an allergic reaction can include severe itching, swelling, rash, or hives. If you experience these symptoms, discontinue use and seek medical attention.
  • Thinning of the Skin: If Candid B Cream contains a corticosteroid, prolonged use or overuse can lead to thinning of the skin, which may become more noticeable in the treated area.
  • Prolonged Use Side Effects: Long-term use of creams containing corticosteroids can potentially lead to other side effects, such as skin discoloration, stretch marks, or increased hair growth in the treated area.
  • Secondary Infections: Using Candid B Cream for extended periods or on broken skin may increase the risk of secondary bacterial or fungal infections.


Uses of Candid B Cream

Candid B Cream is a topical medication with several potential uses, primarily related to skin conditions. Its uses include:

  • Fungal Infections: Candid B Cream is commonly used to treat fungal skin infections such as ringworm (tinea corporis), athlete's foot (tinea pedis), and jock itch (tinea cruris). It contains Clotrimazole, an antifungal medication, which helps to eliminate the fungi causing these infections.
  • Inflammatory Skin Conditions: Beclomethasone Dipropionate, another active ingredient in Candid B Cream, is a corticosteroid with anti-inflammatory properties. It may be prescribed to manage various inflammatory skin conditions, including dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis. It helps reduce redness, itching, and inflammation associated with these conditions.
  • Pruritus (Itching): Candid B Cream can be used to alleviate itching caused by various skin conditions, insect bites, or minor irritations.
  • Eczema: It may be prescribed for eczema, especially when itching and inflammation are prominent symptoms.
  • Psoriasis: In some cases, Candid B Cream can be used as part of the treatment plan for psoriasis to manage localized symptoms.
  • Dermatitis: Candid B Cream may be recommended to relieve symptoms of contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, or other forms of dermatitis.
  • Intertrigo: It can be used for intertrigo, a rash that occurs in skin folds, such as under the breasts, in the groin, or between the toes.

How to use Candid B Cream?

Here are general guidelines on how to use Candid B Cream:

  • Clean the Affected Area: Before applying the cream, wash and thoroughly dry the affected area with mild soap and water. Gently pat it dry with a clean towel.
  • Apply a Thin Layer: Use a small amount of Candid B Cream to cover the affected skin area with a thin and even layer. Avoid using excessive amounts, as this won't improve the effectiveness of the medication and can increase the risk of side effects.
  • Gently Rub In: Gently massage the cream into the skin until it is absorbed. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying the cream, unless your hands are the affected area.
  • Frequency of Application: The frequency of application and duration of use will depend on the specific skin condition being treated. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions or the guidance provided on the product label. Typically, Candid B Cream is applied once or twice daily.
  • Use as Prescribed: Use Candid B Cream for the full course of treatment prescribed by your healthcare provider, even if your symptoms improve before the treatment is completed. Stopping too soon can allow the infection to return.
  • Avoid Eyes, Nose, and Mouth: Do not apply Candid B Cream to the eyes, nose, mouth, or inside the vaginal or rectal areas unless specifically instructed by your healthcare provider.
  • Limit Use on Large Areas: Avoid applying Candid B Cream to large areas of skin without your healthcare provider's guidance, as prolonged use of corticosteroids can lead to side effects.
  • Monitor for Improvement: Keep track of your symptoms and the progress of your condition while using Candid B Cream. If there is no improvement after several days or if your condition worsens, contact your healthcare provider.
  • Adhere to Recommendations: Follow your healthcare provider's advice regarding the duration of treatment and any other specific instructions related to your condition.
  • Side Effects: Be aware of potential side effects, and if you experience any unusual or severe reactions, contact your healthcare provider promptly.


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