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Foligraf 150 IU is a medication that contains human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) as its active ingredient. It is commonly used in assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments to stimulate the ovaries in women undergoing fertility treatments. You can buy Foligraf 150IU online in the USA/UK from Online Blue Pills at best prices.

Generic Name : Follistim AQ

Brand Name : Recombinat Human

Manufacturer Name : Bharat serum

Product Code : OBP 934

Delivery Days : 10 To 12 Working Days

Composition : Follistim AQ

Strength : 150iu

Packaging : Injection Vial Bottle

Presentation : Injection Vial

Drug Class : Gonadotropins; Ovulation Stimulators

Prescribed For : Treatment of infertility in women

Side Effects : Injection site allergic reaction, Headache, Acne, Swelling of breast in male, Abdominal pain

Pack Size/Qty Price Price Per Pill or unit  
05 INJECTION'S $229.10 $45.82

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03 INJECTION'S $145.32 $48.44

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01 INJECTION $50.64 $50.64

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What is Foligraf 150IU?

Foligraf 150 IU is a medication used in the realm of assisted reproductive technology (ART) to aid in fertility treatments. The active ingredient in Foligraf 150 IU is human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG). This medication is designed to stimulate the ovaries in women undergoing fertility procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or other assisted conception techniques.

How does Foligraf 150IU work?

1. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH):

FSH is a natural hormone that plays a central role in the female reproductive system. In the context of Foligraf 150 IU, the FSH component stimulates the growth and development of ovarian follicles. Each ovarian follicle contains an immature egg (oocyte) and is crucial for the process of ovulation.
2. Luteinizing Hormone (LH):

LH is another essential hormone that contributes to the regulation of the menstrual cycle. In Foligraf 150 IU, the LH component helps trigger the final maturation of the ovarian follicles and induces ovulation, which is the release of mature eggs from the ovaries.
3. Stimulation of Ovarian Follicles:

Foligraf 150 IU is prescribed to women undergoing fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or other assisted reproductive technologies. The medication is administered through subcutaneous or intramuscular injections.
4. Multiple Follicular Development:

The FSH in Foligraf 150 IU stimulates the ovaries to produce multiple follicles simultaneously. This is crucial because it increases the chances of obtaining multiple eggs during a single treatment cycle, enhancing the likelihood of successful fertilization.
5. Mimicking Natural Ovulatory Process:

The administration of Foligraf 150 IU mimics and augments the natural ovulatory process. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who may have difficulty achieving or sustaining pregnancy due to irregular ovulation or other fertility challenges.
6. Ovulation Trigger:

Once the ovarian follicles reach a mature stage, the LH component of Foligraf 150 IU triggers the final phase of the ovulation process. This leads to the release of mature eggs from the ovaries, making them available for fertilization.
7. Support for Fertility Treatments:

Foligraf 150 IU is often used in combination with other fertility medications, such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The comprehensive treatment plan is designed to optimize the chances of successful fertilization and conception.
8. Close Monitoring and Adjustments:

Fertility specialists closely monitor the response to Foligraf 150 IU through regular ultrasounds and hormonal assessments. Adjustments to the dosage may be made based on the individual's ovarian response to ensure the best possible outcome.

Ingredients and dosages Foligraf 150IU

1. Active Ingredient:

Foligraf 150 IU contains human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) as its active ingredient. hMG is a hormonal mixture derived from the urine of postmenopausal women and consists of both follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
2. Dosage:

The dosage of Foligraf 150 IU is prescribed based on individual patient factors, including age, weight, medical history, and specific fertility treatment protocols. Dosages may vary among patients, and fertility specialists determine the appropriate amount for each individual.

Who can use Foligraf 150IU?

The use of Foligraf 150 IU is typically considered for the following groups:

Women Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART):

Foligraf 150 IU is often prescribed as part of controlled ovarian stimulation protocols for women undergoing ART procedures, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). It is used to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple mature follicles, increasing the chances of successful egg retrieval.
Women with Ovulatory Disorders:

Foligraf 150 IU may be recommended for women experiencing ovulatory disorders, where natural ovulation is irregular or absent. The medication helps induce and regulate ovulation, allowing for a more predictable and controlled reproductive process.
Patients with Unexplained Infertility:

In cases where the cause of infertility is not clearly identified (unexplained infertility), Foligraf 150 IU may be part of a fertility treatment plan. It aims to optimize follicular development and increase the likelihood of successful conception.
Individuals with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS):

Women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition characterized by hormonal imbalances and irregular ovulation, may benefit from Foligraf 150 IU. It helps regulate the ovarian cycle and enhance the chances of ovulation.
Patients with Diminished Ovarian Reserve:

Foligraf 150 IU may be considered for women with diminished ovarian reserve, a condition where the ovaries have a reduced quantity of eggs. The medication aims to stimulate the available follicles for optimal egg development.
Women with Hormonal Imbalances:

Hormonal imbalances, including insufficient levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), can impact ovulation. Foligraf 150 IU, containing FSH, helps address these imbalances and support the development of mature follicles.
Couples Undergoing Fertility Treatments:

Foligraf 150 IU is often prescribed as part of a comprehensive fertility treatment plan for couples struggling with infertility. The medication is tailored to the specific needs and conditions of the female partner to improve the chances of successful conception.

Common mistakes to avoid Foligraf 150IU

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Foligraf 150 IU:
Skipping Doses
Incorrect Injection Technique
Reconstituting Errors
Not Rotating Injection Sites
Ignoring Side Effects
Self-Adjusting Dosage
Not Seeking Clarification
Failure to Communicate Concerns

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FAQs on Foligraf 150IU

1. What is Foligraf 150 IU used for?

A: Foligraf 150 IU is primarily used in assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments to stimulate the ovaries and promote the development of multiple ovarian follicles. It is commonly employed in fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

2. How is Foligraf 150 IU administered?

A: Foligraf 150 IU is administered through subcutaneous (under the skin) or intramuscular (into the muscle) injections. The specific injection technique and site may vary based on individual preferences and medical considerations.

3. Can I administer Foligraf 150 IU at home?

A: With proper training and guidance from a healthcare professional, patients may administer Foligraf 150 IU injections at home. However, it is essential to follow the prescribed dosage and administration schedule meticulously.

4. What should I do if I miss a dose of Foligraf 150 IU?

A: It is crucial to adhere to the prescribed injection schedule. If a dose is missed, contact the healthcare provider promptly for guidance. Missing doses may impact the effectiveness of the treatment.

5. What are the common side effects of Foligraf 150 IU?

A: Common side effects may include injection site reactions, mild gastrointestinal symptoms, breast tenderness, mood swings, mild headaches, fatigue, hot flashes, and mild abdominal discomfort. Report any persistent or severe side effects to the healthcare provider.

6. How long does the treatment with Foligraf 150 IU last?

A: The duration of treatment varies among individuals and is determined by the fertility specialist. Treatment may involve multiple injection cycles, and the overall timeline depends on factors such as the patient's response and the specific fertility treatment plan.

7. Can Foligraf 150 IU cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)?

A: Yes, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a potential side effect of Foligraf 150 IU. It is characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and rapid weight gain. Patients should promptly report any symptoms of OHSS to their healthcare provider.

8. Is monitoring required during Foligraf 150 IU treatment?

A: Yes, regular monitoring through transvaginal ultrasounds and hormonal assessments is typically required to track ovarian response. Adjustments to the dosage may be made based on the monitored results.

9. Can I become pregnant during Foligraf 150 IU treatment?

A: Pregnancy is a possible outcome of Foligraf 150 IU treatment, especially if the medication is used in conjunction with other fertility treatments. The goal is to optimize conditions for successful conception.

10. Are there any long-term effects of using Foligraf 150 IU?

A: Foligraf 150 IU is generally used for short-term fertility treatments. Long-term effects are not commonly associated with its use. However, individual responses may vary, and patients should discuss any concerns with their healthcare provider.

Side Effect

Common side effects of Foligraf 150IU

Common side effects of Foligraf 150 IU may include:
Injection Site Reactions
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
Mild Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Breast Tenderness
Mood Swings
Mild Headache
Hot Flashes
Mild Abdominal Discomfort
Allergic Reactions


Uses of Foligraf 150IU

The key uses of Foligraf 150 IU include:
Ovarian Stimulation
Treatment of Female Infertility
Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation (COH)
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Enhancing Egg Quantity
Management of Ovulatory Disorders
Supporting Fertility Treatments

How to use Foligraf 150IU?

Here is a general guide on how to use Foligraf 150 IU:

1. Medical Supervision:

Foligraf 150 IU should be prescribed and administered under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider, usually a fertility specialist or reproductive endocrinologist. The healthcare team will assess the patient's individual fertility plan and determine the appropriate dosage.
2. Injection Site:

The injection site may be in the subcutaneous tissue or muscle, depending on the healthcare provider's instructions. Common injection sites include the abdomen or thigh for subcutaneous injections and the upper outer quadrant of the buttock for intramuscular injections.
3. Preparation:

Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the medication. Gather all necessary supplies, including the Foligraf 150 IU vial, syringe, and alcohol swab.
4. Reconstitution (If Necessary):

If Foligraf 150 IU is supplied as a powder, it may need to be reconstituted before injection. Follow the instructions provided by the healthcare provider or the medication's packaging for proper reconstitution.
5. Drawing the Medication:

Use a sterile syringe to draw the prescribed dosage of Foligraf 150 IU from the vial. If reconstituted, ensure the solution is well-mixed before drawing the medication.
6. Injection Technique:

For subcutaneous injections, pinch a fold of skin at the injection site and insert the needle at a 45 to 90-degree angle. For intramuscular injections, insert the needle at a 90-degree angle into the muscle. Administer the medication according to the healthcare provider's instructions.
7. Rotating Injection Sites:

Rotate injection sites to prevent irritation or discomfort. Avoid injecting into the same spot consecutively.
8. Disposal of Supplies:

Safely dispose of used needles and syringes in a designated sharps container. Follow local regulations for proper disposal.
9. Timing and Dosage:

Adhere strictly to the prescribed dosage and timing specified by the healthcare provider. Missing a dose or deviating from the recommended schedule may impact the treatment's effectiveness.
10. Monitoring and Follow-Up:
- Attend regular monitoring appointments as scheduled by the healthcare provider. Ultrasounds and hormonal assessments help track ovarian response, and adjustments to the dosage may be made if necessary.

11. Patient Education:
- Patients should receive thorough education on the injection technique, potential side effects, and any specific instructions from the healthcare provider. Report any concerns or unusual reactions promptly.


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