Online Blue Pills
Isotroin 20 MG Capsule is a medication commonly prescribed for the treatment of severe acne. This oral capsule contains isotretinoin, a potent derivative of vitamin A known for its efficacy in addressing stubborn and persistent forms of acne. You can buy Isotroin 20 MG Capsule online in the USA/UK from Online Blue Pills at best prices.

Generic Name : Isotretinoin

Brand Name : Accutane

Manufacturer Name : Cipla India

Product Code : OBP 873

Delivery Days : 10 To 12 Working Days

Composition : Isotretinoin

Strength : 20mg

Packaging : Capsule (Blisters)

Presentation : Capsule Strip

Drug Class : Retinoids

Prescribed For : Helps treat acne by reducing the production of sebum (a natural substance) that causes acne

Side Effects : Chapped lips, dryness of skin, eyes, nose or lips

Pack Size/Qty Price Price Per Pill or unit  
90 CAPSULE'S $62.10 $0.69

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60 CAPSULE'S $42.00 $0.70

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30 CAPSULE'S $23.70 $0.79

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What is Isotroin 20 MG Capsule?

Isotroin 20 MG Capsule is a medication primarily used for the treatment of severe acne. It contains the active ingredient isotretinoin, a potent derivative of vitamin A. This medication is known for its effectiveness in managing acne that has not responded to other treatments and is causing significant physical or psychological distress.

How does Isotroin 20 MG Capsule work?

Here's how Isotroin 20 MG works:

Regulation of Sebaceous Glands:

Isotretinoin primarily affects the sebaceous (oil-producing) glands in the skin. It reduces the size and activity of these glands, leading to a significant decrease in the production of sebum (skin oil).
Decreased Sebum Production:

By inhibiting sebum production, isotretinoin helps prevent the excessive oiliness of the skin. This is crucial because excess sebum can clog hair follicles, leading to the formation of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and providing an environment for the growth of acne-causing bacteria.
Prevention of Clogged Pores:

Isotroin 20 MG helps to normalize the shedding of skin cells lining the hair follicles. This reduces the formation of plugs that can block the pores, contributing to the development of acne lesions.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Isotretinoin exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, reducing inflammation associated with acne. This is particularly beneficial in the treatment of nodular and cystic acne, which are characterized by deeper and more inflamed lesions.
Impact on Acne-Causing Bacteria:

Isotretinoin may also have an indirect effect on Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria commonly associated with acne. By creating an environment less conducive to bacterial growth, it helps minimize bacterial colonization in the affected areas.
Normalization of Skin Cell Growth:

Isotretinoin promotes more normal and regulated growth of skin cells, preventing abnormal clumping and accumulation that can contribute to the development of acne.

Ingredients and dosages Isotroin 20 MG Capsule

1. Active Ingredient:

The active ingredient in Isotroin 20 MG Capsule is Isotretinoin.

2. Dosage:

The dosage of Isotroin 20 MG is typically determined by the healthcare provider based on the patient's body weight and the severity of the acne. The recommended dosage can vary, but it is generally taken once or twice daily with meals.

Who can use Isotroin 20 MG Capsule?

Here's a breakdown of who can use Isotroin 20 MG Capsule:

Severe Acne Cases:

Isotroin 20 MG Capsule is generally prescribed for individuals with severe forms of acne, including nodular and cystic acne that have not responded to other conventional treatments. It is typically reserved for cases where acne is causing significant physical or psychological distress.
Prescription by Healthcare Providers:

The decision to use Isotroin 20 MG should be made by healthcare providers, such as dermatologists or physicians, based on a thorough assessment of the individual's acne severity, medical history, and response to previous treatments.
Individuals with Persistent Acne:

It is often considered for individuals with persistent acne lesions that are resistant to other treatments. The medication targets the root causes of acne, making it effective for cases that have not responded to topical or systemic antibiotics.
Adolescents and Adults:

Isotroin 20 MG may be prescribed for both adolescents and adults, but its use in certain populations, such as prepubertal children, may require careful evaluation and consideration of potential risks.
Women of Childbearing Potential:

Special precautions are necessary for women of childbearing potential. Strict contraceptive measures are typically mandated due to the teratogenic potential of isotretinoin, meaning it can cause severe birth defects if taken during pregnancy.

Common mistakes to avoid Isotroin 20 MG Capsule


Mistake: Initiating Isotroin 20 MG treatment without a prescription.
Why to Avoid: Isotroin is a potent medication with potential side effects. It should only be prescribed by a qualified healthcare provider after a thorough evaluation.
Skipping Follow-Up Appointments:

Mistake: Neglecting regular follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider.
Why to Avoid: Regular monitoring is crucial to assess the medication's effectiveness, address concerns, and make necessary adjustments to the dosage.
Inconsistent Dosage:

Mistake: Not taking the prescribed dosage consistently.
Why to Avoid: Consistency is key for optimal treatment outcomes. Skipping doses or altering the dosage without guidance can impact the medication's effectiveness.
Not Taking with Meals:

Mistake: Taking Isotroin 20 MG on an empty stomach.
Why to Avoid: Isotroin should be taken with a full meal to enhance absorption and minimize the risk of gastrointestinal side effects.
Inadequate Contraception:

Mistake: Failing to use reliable contraception in women of childbearing potential.
Why to Avoid: Isotroin has teratogenic effects and can cause severe birth defects. Strict contraceptive measures are essential before, during, and after treatment.
Using Vitamin A Supplements:

Mistake: Taking additional vitamin A supplements during Isotroin treatment.
Why to Avoid: Excessive vitamin A intake can contribute to toxicity. Isotroin itself is a derivative of vitamin A, and additional supplementation is unnecessary and potentially harmful.
Neglecting Skincare:

Mistake: Not using appropriate skincare products to manage dryness and other skin-related side effects.
Why to Avoid: Isotroin can cause dry skin and mucous membranes. Adequate hydration and the use of recommended skincare products help manage these effects.
Pregnancy Risk:

Mistake: Failing to adhere to strict contraceptive measures in sexually active women.
Why to Avoid: Isotroin can cause severe birth defects if taken during pregnancy. Ensuring effective contraception is crucial to prevent unintended pregnancies.
Alcohol Consumption:

Mistake: Consuming alcohol excessively during Isotroin treatment.
Why to Avoid: Isotroin may have an impact on liver function, and excessive alcohol intake can exacerbate this effect. Limit alcohol consumption as advised by your healthcare provider.
Ignoring Side Effects:

Mistake: Neglecting or tolerating severe side effects without reporting them.
Why to Avoid: Prompt reporting of side effects allows healthcare providers to make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan and ensure patient safety.

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FAQs on Isotroin 20 MG Capsule

Q: What is Isotroin 20 MG Capsule used for?

A: Isotroin 20 MG Capsule is primarily used for the treatment of severe acne, particularly in cases where other conventional treatments have proven ineffective.

Q: How does Isotroin 20 MG Capsule work?

A: The active ingredient, isotretinoin, reduces sebum production, prevents clogging of pores, and has anti-inflammatory effects. This helps in treating severe acne and preventing scarring.

Q: How long does it take for Isotroin to show results?

A: Improvement is typically observed within the first few weeks of treatment. However, the full benefits may take several months. The duration varies among individuals.

Q: Can Isotroin be taken without a prescription?

A: No, Isotroin is a prescription medication, and it should only be taken under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider who will assess its suitability for the individual.

Q: Are there any dietary restrictions while taking Isotroin?

A: Avoid excessive consumption of vitamin A-rich foods or supplements during Isotroin treatment. Alcohol intake should be limited as Isotroin may affect liver function.

Q: Can Isotroin be taken during pregnancy?

A: No, Isotroin is contraindicated during pregnancy due to its teratogenic effects, which can cause severe birth defects. Effective contraception is essential for sexually active women of childbearing potential.

Q: Can Isotroin cause depression?

A: While rare, some individuals may experience mood changes, including symptoms of depression. It is important to promptly report any mood changes to the healthcare provider.

Q: What skincare routine is recommended while on Isotroin?

A: Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer suitable for dry skin. Avoid harsh skincare products. Use sunscreen with high SPF, and stay hydrated to manage dryness.

Q: Can Isotroin be taken with other medications?

A: Inform your healthcare provider about all medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, to avoid potential interactions. Some medications, like tetracycline antibiotics, may interact with Isotroin.

Q:  How often should follow-up appointments be scheduled during Isotroin treatment?

A: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor progress, address concerns, and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. Follow the schedule recommended by your healthcare provider.

Q:  Can Isotroin cause hair loss?

A: Isotroin may lead to temporary hair thinning or increased shedding. This effect is usually reversible after discontinuation of the medication.

Q: Can I drink alcohol while taking Isotroin?

A: Limit alcohol consumption, as Isotroin may affect liver function. It is advisable to follow healthcare provider recommendations regarding alcohol intake.

Side Effect

Common side effects of Isotroin 20 MG Capsule

Common side effects of Isotroin 20 MG Capsule may include:

Dry Skin:

Description: Isotroin can reduce skin oil production, leading to dry and flaky skin.
Management: Use a gentle moisturizer to hydrate the skin. Avoid products containing alcohol, as they may exacerbate dryness.
Chapped Lips:

Description: Dryness and peeling of the lips are common side effects.
Management: Apply a lip balm or petroleum jelly regularly to keep the lips moisturized.
Dry Eyes and Conjunctivitis:

Description: Some individuals may experience dryness or irritation in the eyes.
Management: Use lubricating eye drops as needed. Inform your healthcare provider if symptoms persist.
Nasal Dryness and Epistaxis:

Description: Dryness inside the nose can lead to nosebleeds.
Management: Apply a thin layer of saline nasal gel to moisturize the nasal passages. Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.
Joint and Muscle Pain:

Description: Isotroin may cause joint and muscle pain.
Management: Inform your healthcare provider if you experience persistent or severe pain. Adequate hydration and mild exercise may help alleviate discomfort.
Increased Sensitivity to Sunlight:

Description: The skin may become more sensitive to sunlight, increasing the risk of sunburn.
Management: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF, wear protective clothing, and avoid prolonged sun exposure.
Elevated Liver Enzymes:

Description: Isotroin can impact liver function, leading to elevated liver enzymes in blood tests.
Management: Regular monitoring of liver function is typically conducted during treatment. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience symptoms of liver problems, such as abdominal pain or jaundice.
Mood Changes and Depression:

Description: Some individuals may experience mood changes or symptoms of depression.
Management: Report any mood changes to your healthcare provider promptly. They will assess the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.
Visual Disturbances:

Description: Isotroin may cause changes in vision or night vision difficulties in some individuals.
Management: If you notice visual disturbances, inform your healthcare provider for evaluation.
Hair Thinning:

Description: Isotroin may lead to temporary hair thinning or increased hair shedding.
Management: This effect is usually reversible after discontinuation of the medication.


Uses of Isotroin 20 MG Capsule

Here are the key uses of Isotroin 20 MG Capsule:

Treatment of Severe Acne:

Isotroin 20 MG is indicated for individuals with severe forms of acne, including nodular and cystic acne. These are more resistant and persistent types of acne lesions that can lead to scarring and have not responded to other treatment modalities.
Reduction of Sebum Production:

The active ingredient, isotretinoin, works by targeting and reducing the size and activity of the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for producing skin oil (sebum). By decreasing sebum production, Isotroin helps prevent the clogging of pores and the formation of acne lesions.
Prevention of Scarring:

Isotroin is often prescribed to prevent the development of severe acne scars. By effectively treating deep and inflammatory acne lesions, it minimizes the risk of permanent scarring.
Normalization of Skin Cell Growth:

The medication promotes more normal and regulated growth of skin cells, preventing the abnormal clumping and accumulation that can contribute to the development of acne.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

Isotroin 20 MG has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce inflammation associated with severe acne. This is particularly beneficial in the treatment of nodular and cystic acne, which involves deeper and more inflamed lesions.
Improvement of Overall Skin Condition:

Besides targeting active acne lesions, Isotroin may contribute to an overall improvement in the skin condition, including a reduction in the number of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and an improvement in skin texture.

How to use Isotroin 20 MG Capsule?

Here's a general guide on how to use Isotroin 20 MG Capsule:

Prescription by Healthcare Provider:

Isotroin 20 MG is a prescription medication, and its use should be initiated only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider, typically a dermatologist or physician.
Dosage Instructions:

The dosage of Isotroin 20 MG is individualized based on factors such as body weight, the severity of acne, and the individual's response to the medication. Follow the specific dosage instructions provided by your healthcare provider.
Oral Administration:

Take Isotroin 20 MG Capsule orally with a full meal. Swallow the capsule whole with a glass of water. Do not crush, chew, or break the capsule, as this can affect its controlled-release formulation.
Consistent Timing:

Aim to take the capsule at the same time each day. This helps maintain a consistent level of the medication in your bloodstream and enhances its effectiveness.
Duration of Treatment:

The duration of Isotroin treatment can vary, but it often extends over several months. Follow your healthcare provider's recommended treatment course, even if you observe improvement before completion.
Contraceptive Measures:

If you are a woman of childbearing potential, it is crucial to use reliable contraceptive measures one month before starting Isotroin, throughout the treatment, and for one month after discontinuation. This is due to the teratogenic potential of isotretinoin, which can cause severe birth defects if taken during pregnancy.
Regular Follow-Up Appointments:

Attend regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider. These visits are essential for monitoring your response to the medication, addressing any concerns, and making necessary adjustments to the dosage if required.
Hydration and Skincare:

Isotroin can cause dryness of the skin and mucous membranes. Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and use appropriate skincare products as recommended by your healthcare provider.
Avoidance of Vitamin A Supplements:

Avoid taking vitamin A supplements while on Isotroin, as excessive vitamin A intake can contribute to toxicity.


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