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Oxitan 100MG/50ML is a medication used in the treatment of cancer, specifically as a part of chemotherapy regimens. The active ingredient in Oxitan is Oxaliplatin, which belongs to a class of drugs known as platinum-containing compounds. You can buy Oxitan 100MG/50ML online in the USA/UK from Online Blue Pills at best prices.


Generic Name : Eloxatin

Brand Name : Oxiplatin

Manufacturer Name : Fresenius Kabi

Product Code : OBP 936

Delivery Days : 10 To 12 Working Days

Composition : Eloxatin

Strength : 100mg

Packaging : Injection Vial Bottle

Presentation : Injection Vial

Drug Class : Antineoplastic agents

Prescribed For : Treatment of cancer of colon and rectum

Side Effects : Nausea, Vomiting, Bloating, Headache, Enlarged Ovary, Hot flashes

Pack Size/Qty Price Price Per Pill or unit  
05 INJECTION'S $252.00 $50.40

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03 INJECTION'S $159.87 $53.29

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01 INJECTION'S $55.69 $55.69

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What is Oxitan 100MG/50ML?

Oxitan 100MG/50ML is a medication used in the treatment of cancer, specifically as part of chemotherapy protocols. The formulation consists of 100 milligrams of the active ingredient Oxaliplatin in a 50-milliliter solution.

How does Oxitan 100MG/50ML work?

 Here's an overview of how Oxitan works in the treatment of cancer:

Platinum-Based Chemotherapy:

Oxitan belongs to the class of platinum-containing compounds. Platinum-based chemotherapy drugs, including Oxaliplatin, are known for their ability to interfere with the DNA of cancer cells.
DNA Cross-Linking:

The primary mechanism of action of Oxaliplatin involves forming covalent bonds or cross-links with the DNA strands within cancer cells. This occurs as Oxaliplatin is metabolized and activated within the body.
Disruption of DNA Function:

The formation of these platinum-DNA adducts results in the distortion and cross-linking of the DNA structure within the cancer cells. This interference disrupts the normal functioning of DNA, including its replication and repair processes.
Inhibition of DNA Synthesis:

By inhibiting DNA synthesis, Oxitan prevents cancer cells from accurately replicating their genetic material. This interference in the replication process is particularly detrimental to rapidly dividing cancer cells.
Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis:

The disruption of DNA function leads to cell cycle arrest, preventing cancer cells from progressing through the normal stages of cell division. Additionally, the accumulated DNA damage can trigger a process known as apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
Impact on Cancer Cell Viability:

The combined effects of DNA cross-linking, inhibition of DNA synthesis, and induction of apoptosis contribute to a decrease in the viability of cancer cells. As cancer cells lose their ability to divide and survive, the overall tumor burden may be reduced.
Synergistic Effects in Combination Therapy:

Oxitan is often used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs to enhance its therapeutic effects. The combination of drugs with different mechanisms of action can target cancer cells through multiple pathways, reducing the risk of resistance.
Selective Toxicity:

While Oxitan affects rapidly dividing cancer cells, it can also impact normal, healthy cells that undergo frequent division, such as those in the bone marrow and digestive tract. This selective toxicity is managed by carefully adjusting dosage and monitoring patients for side effects.

Ingredients and dosages Oxitan 100MG/50ML

Active Ingredient:

The active ingredient in Oxitan 100MG/50ML is Oxaliplatin.
Dosage Information:

The dosage of Oxitan is determined based on various factors, including the type of cancer being treated, the patient's overall health, and the specific chemotherapy regimen prescribed by the oncologist.

Oxitan 100MG/50ML is administered intravenously (IV), meaning it is delivered directly into the bloodstream through a vein. The infusion is typically done in a clinical setting by trained healthcare professionals.
Treatment Cycles:

The treatment plan usually consists of a series of cycles, with each cycle followed by a period of rest to allow the body to recover. The number of cycles and the duration of each cycle are determined by the oncologist based on the patient's response to treatment.
Dosage Adjustment:

Dosage adjustments may be made by the healthcare provider based on the patient's tolerance to the medication, individual response, and any observed side effects.

Patients receiving Oxitan are closely monitored throughout the treatment. This includes regular medical check-ups, blood tests, and imaging studies to assess the response to treatment and manage any potential side effects.
Comprehensive Treatment Plan:

Oxitan is often used as part of a comprehensive cancer treatment plan, which may include a combination of chemotherapy drugs, surgery, and/or radiation therapy. The overall plan is designed to maximize the effectiveness of treatment and improve outcomes.
Patient-Specific Considerations:

Dosages and treatment regimens can vary from patient to patient, and the information provided here is a general overview. It is essential for patients to follow the specific instructions and recommendations provided by their oncologist.

Who can use Oxitan 100MG/50ML?

Here's a general overview of who may be eligible to use Oxitan:

Cancer Patients:

Oxitan is typically prescribed for individuals diagnosed with specific types of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer. The decision to use Oxitan is based on the type and stage of cancer, as determined by the treating oncologist.
Treatment Plan Considerations:

Eligibility for Oxitan is part of an overall treatment plan designed by oncologists. It is often used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs as part of a multidrug regimen.
Individual Health Status:

The suitability of Oxitan depends on the overall health status of the individual. Factors such as organ function, blood counts, and general health are assessed before initiating treatment.
Absence of Contraindications:

Individuals who do not have contraindications to Oxitan, such as known allergies to platinum-containing compounds, may be considered eligible for its use.
Ability to Tolerate Treatment:

The patient's ability to tolerate the potential side effects of chemotherapy, including those associated with Oxitan, is an important consideration. The healthcare team assesses whether the potential benefits outweigh the risks for each patient.
Comprehensive Evaluation:

Eligibility for Oxitan is determined through a comprehensive evaluation by oncologists. This includes a review of medical history, diagnostic tests, and consideration of other ongoing treatments.
Adherence to Treatment Plan:

Patients who are committed to adhering to the prescribed treatment plan, including the scheduled doses of Oxitan and any supportive care measures, are considered suitable candidates.
Open Communication:

Open communication between patients and their healthcare team is crucial. Patients should communicate any existing health conditions, medications, or concerns to ensure the treatment plan is tailored to their individual needs.

Common mistakes to avoid Oxitan 100MG/50ML

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Oxitan 100MG/50ML:

Skipping Doses:

Mistake: Skipping any scheduled doses of Oxitan without consulting the healthcare team.
Why to Avoid: Consistent adherence to the treatment plan is crucial for the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Missing doses can impact the overall success of the therapy.
Self-Adjusting Dosages:

Mistake: Attempting to adjust the dosage of Oxitan without healthcare professional guidance.
Why to Avoid: Dosages are carefully determined based on individual patient factors. Self-adjusting can lead to inadequate treatment or increased risk of side effects.
Not Reporting Side Effects Promptly:

Mistake: Delaying or neglecting to report side effects experienced during or after Oxitan treatment.
Why to Avoid: Prompt reporting allows healthcare professionals to manage and mitigate side effects effectively, improving the overall quality of care.
Missing Follow-Up Appointments:

Mistake: Neglecting scheduled follow-up appointments with the oncologist.
Why to Avoid: Regular follow-ups are essential for monitoring treatment response, adjusting the treatment plan, and addressing any emerging issues or concerns.
Not Following Pre-Medication Instructions:

Mistake: Ignoring or not adhering to pre-medication instructions provided by the healthcare team.
Why to Avoid: Pre-medications are often prescribed to manage potential side effects. Following these instructions helps enhance the tolerability of Oxitan.
Failure to Stay Hydrated:

Mistake: Not maintaining proper hydration during and after Oxitan treatment.
Why to Avoid: Adequate hydration can help minimize certain side effects, such as kidney-related issues. It is essential to follow recommended fluid intake guidelines.
Ignoring Lifestyle Recommendations:

Mistake: Ignoring lifestyle recommendations, such as dietary guidelines or exercise, provided by healthcare professionals.
Why to Avoid: Lifestyle factors can influence treatment outcomes. Following recommendations supports overall well-being and may help manage side effects.
Self-Medicating Without Approval:

Mistake: Taking additional medications or supplements without consulting the healthcare team.
Why to Avoid: Some medications or supplements may interact negatively with Oxitan. Always seek approval before introducing new substances.
Not Communicating Changes in Health:

Mistake: Failing to communicate changes in health status, including new symptoms or the development of other medical conditions.
Why to Avoid: Changes in health can impact the suitability of Oxitan treatment. Open communication allows for appropriate adjustments to the treatment plan.
Discontinuing Treatment Abruptly:

Mistake: Abruptly discontinuing Oxitan without healthcare professional guidance.
Why to Avoid: Discontinuation should only be done under the guidance of the oncologist. Abrupt cessation can impact treatment effectiveness and compromise outcomes.

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FAQs on Oxitan 100MG/50ML

1. What is Oxitan 100MG/50ML used for?

Answer: Oxitan 100MG/50ML is a chemotherapy medication primarily used in the treatment of colorectal cancer. It may be employed in both adjuvant and metastatic settings, either after surgery to prevent cancer recurrence or for advanced cases where the cancer has spread.

2. How is Oxitan 100MG/50ML administered?

Answer: Oxitan 100MG/50ML is administered intravenously (IV) by healthcare professionals in a clinical setting. The infusion is delivered directly into the bloodstream through a vein.

3. What are the common side effects of Oxitan 100MG/50ML?

Answer: Common side effects may include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, diarrhea, changes in taste and appetite, hair loss, joint and muscle pain, hypersensitivity reactions, and flu-like symptoms.

4. How can side effects of Oxitan 100MG/50ML be managed?

Answer: Management of side effects varies but may include medications, supportive care, lifestyle adjustments, and close monitoring. Patients should promptly report side effects to their healthcare team for appropriate intervention.

5. Can the dosage of Oxitan 100MG/50ML be adjusted?

Answer: Dosage adjustments should only be made under the guidance of healthcare professionals. Patients should not self-adjust dosages and should follow the prescribed treatment plan.

6. How long does a typical treatment cycle with Oxitan last?

Answer: Treatment cycles with Oxitan vary based on the specific treatment plan designed by the oncologist. Each cycle is typically followed by a rest period to allow the body to recover.

7. What precautions should be taken during Oxitan 100MG/50ML treatment?

Answer: Patients should adhere to the prescribed treatment plan, report any changes in health promptly, attend regular follow-up appointments, and follow lifestyle recommendations provided by healthcare professionals.

8. Can Oxitan 100MG/50ML be used during pregnancy?

Answer: Oxitan may cause harm to the developing fetus. Pregnant individuals or those planning to become pregnant should discuss the risks and benefits with their healthcare team before starting treatment.

9. Are there specific dietary restrictions with Oxitan 100MG/50ML?

Answer: Dietary recommendations may vary, but maintaining proper hydration and a balanced diet is generally important. Patients should consult with their healthcare team for personalized dietary guidance.

10. Can other medications be taken with Oxitan 100MG/50ML?

Answer: Patients should inform their healthcare team about all medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, to ensure there are no potential interactions with Oxitan. It's essential to seek approval before taking additional medications.

Side Effect

Common side effects of Oxitan 100MG/50ML

Common side effects may include:

Nausea and Vomiting:

Description: Feeling queasy or vomiting.
Management: Anti-nausea medications may be prescribed. Eating small, frequent meals and staying hydrated can help.

Description: Persistent feeling of tiredness or weakness.
Management: Adequate rest, balanced nutrition, and light exercise may help manage fatigue.
Peripheral Neuropathy:

Description: Tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands and feet.
Management: Adjusting activities, using supportive footwear, and medications may be recommended.
Neutropenia (Low White Blood Cell Count):

Description: Increased risk of infections due to low white blood cell count.
Management: Monitoring blood counts, practicing good hygiene, and avoiding sick individuals can help prevent infections.
Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count):

Description: Increased risk of bleeding or bruising.
Management: Monitoring platelet counts, avoiding activities that may cause injury, and notifying the healthcare team of unusual bleeding.

Description: Reduction in red blood cell count, leading to fatigue and weakness.
Management: Blood transfusions, iron supplements, and dietary adjustments may be recommended.

Description: Frequent and loose bowel movements.
Management: Staying hydrated, dietary modifications, and medications may be prescribed.
Changes in Taste and Appetite:

Description: Altered sense of taste or reduced appetite.
Management: Trying different foods, staying hydrated, and consulting a dietitian for dietary guidance.
Hair Loss (Alopecia):

Description: Loss of hair, which may be partial or complete.
Management: Wearing head coverings or wigs, practicing gentle hair care, and discussing emotional concerns with healthcare professionals.
Joint and Muscle Pain:

Description: Discomfort or pain in the joints and muscles.
Management: Pain medications, gentle exercise, and heat or cold therapy may be helpful.
Hypersensitivity Reactions:

Description: Allergic reactions, which can vary in severity.
Management: Immediate medical attention is crucial. Pre-medications may be adjusted based on the reaction.
Flu-Like Symptoms:

Description: Symptoms resembling the flu, including fever and body aches.
Management: Rest, hydration, and over-the-counter medications may provide relief.


Uses of Oxitan 100MG/50ML

Here are the primary uses of Oxitan:

Colorectal Cancer:

Oxitan is commonly employed in the treatment of colorectal cancer. It is used in both adjuvant and metastatic settings, meaning it may be administered after surgery to prevent cancer recurrence (adjuvant therapy) or for advanced cases where the cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic therapy).
Combination Therapy:

Oxitan is often part of combination chemotherapy regimens. It is used in conjunction with other chemotherapy drugs to enhance the overall effectiveness of cancer treatment. Combination therapy aims to target cancer cells through multiple pathways, reducing the risk of resistance.
Multidrug Regimen:

In certain cancer treatment protocols, Oxitan is included as part of a multidrug regimen. The combination of different drugs with varied mechanisms of action helps improve treatment outcomes and may be tailored based on the specific characteristics of the cancer.
Adjuvant Treatment:

Following surgical removal of a tumor, Oxitan may be prescribed as adjuvant therapy to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. Adjuvant treatment aims to eliminate any remaining cancer cells and prevent the spread of the disease.
Metastatic Colorectal Cancer:

For patients diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer, where the cancer has spread to distant organs or tissues, Oxitan is used as a systemic treatment to target cancer cells throughout the body.
Targeting Rapidly Dividing Cells:

The mechanism of action of Oxitan involves disrupting the DNA replication process in rapidly dividing cancer cells. By inhibiting DNA synthesis and promoting cell death, Oxitan targets and reduces the viability of cancer cells.
Oncologist's Recommendation:

The decision to use Oxitan is made by oncologists based on a thorough assessment of the patient's medical history, the specific type and stage of cancer, and other individual factors. The oncologist may consider Oxitan as part of a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan.

How to use Oxitan 100MG/50ML?

Here is a general guide on how Oxitan is typically administered:

Administration by Healthcare Professionals:

Oxitan is administered intravenously (IV) by healthcare professionals in a clinical setting, such as a hospital or outpatient infusion center.
Dosage Determination:

The dosage of Oxitan is determined by the treating oncologist based on various factors, including the type and stage of cancer, the patient's weight, overall health, and the specific chemotherapy regimen.
Intravenous Infusion:

Oxitan is typically given as an intravenous infusion. The medication is delivered directly into the bloodstream through a vein, allowing it to circulate throughout the body and reach cancer cells.
Infusion Duration:

The infusion duration may vary, and the healthcare team will establish the appropriate rate at which Oxitan is administered. The duration of the infusion is an important aspect of treatment planning.
Treatment Cycles:

Oxitan is often administered in cycles, with each cycle followed by a period of rest. The number of cycles and the intervals between them depend on the specific treatment plan designed by the oncologist.
Monitoring During Infusion:

Patients are closely monitored during the infusion for any potential side effects or adverse reactions. This includes monitoring vital signs and addressing any immediate concerns.

Depending on the healthcare provider's protocol, pre-medications may be given to help manage potential side effects or infusion-related reactions. These pre-medications are determined on an individual basis.
Supportive Care:

Patients may receive supportive care measures to manage side effects such as nausea, fatigue, or changes in blood counts. Supportive care may include medications or lifestyle recommendations.
Regular Follow-Up:

Patients are typically scheduled for regular follow-up appointments with their oncologist. During these appointments, the healthcare team assesses the patient's response to treatment, monitors for side effects, and adjusts the treatment plan as needed.
Adherence to Treatment Plan:

It is crucial for patients to adhere to the prescribed treatment plan, including the scheduled doses of Oxitan and any supportive care measures recommended by the healthcare team.


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