Online Blue Pills
Aqua Tears Eye Drop is a pharmaceutical product designed for the management and relief of dry and irritated eyes. It is categorized as an artificial tear solution, and its primary purpose is to provide lubrication and moisture to the surface of the eye, helping to alleviate the discomfort associated with dry eyes. You can buy Aqua Tears Eye Drop online in the USA/UK from Online Blue Pills at best prices.


Generic Name : Lubricating

Brand Name : Aqua Tears

Manufacturer Name : Cipla India

Product Code : OBP 1147

Delivery Days : 10 To 12 Working Days

Composition : Lubricating

Strength : 14mg

Packaging : Eye Drop Bottle

Presentation : Bottle Pack

Prescribed For : Relieve dry, irritated eyes

Side Effects : Burning, stinging, irritation may temporarily occur

Pack Size/Qty Price Price Per Pill or unit  
12 BOTTLE'S $44.28 $3.69

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8 BOTTLE'S $30.32 $3.79

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4 BOTTLE'S $15.56 $3.89

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What is Aqua Tears Eye Drop?

Aqua Tears Eye Drop is a medical product designed to address and alleviate the discomfort associated with dry eyes. It is categorized as an artificial tear solution and is primarily used to provide moisture and lubrication to the surface of the eye.

How does Aqua Tears Eye Drop work?

Aqua Tears Eye Drop works by providing much-needed moisture and lubrication to the surface of the eye, helping to relieve the discomfort associated with dry eyes. Here's how it works:

Mimicking Natural Tears: The composition of Aqua Tears Eye Drop is designed to closely mimic the natural composition of tears that the eye produces. These artificial tears contain key components found in natural tears, such as water, salts, and certain proteins.

Moisturizing the Eye Surface: When you apply Aqua Tears Eye Drop as eye drops onto the surface of the eye (the conjunctiva and cornea), it spreads across the eye's surface. The solution helps to moisten and lubricate the eye, creating a thin, protective layer of moisture.

Alleviating Dryness: The moistening and lubricating action of Aqua Tears Eye Drop helps alleviate the dryness and discomfort associated with dry eyes. It can relieve symptoms such as itching, burning, redness, and the sensation of a foreign object in the eye.

Stabilizing the Tear Film: Aqua Tears Eye Drop can help stabilize the tear film on the eye's surface. The tear film consists of three layers: an outer oily layer, a middle watery layer, and an inner mucous layer. This film plays a crucial role in maintaining the eye's health and clarity.

Reducing Tear Evaporation: In cases of dry eyes, the tear film may evaporate too quickly or become unstable. Aqua Tears Eye Drop helps slow down the evaporation of tears, ensuring that the eye remains adequately moist.

Comfort and Relief: By providing moisture and lubrication, Aqua Tears Eye Drop offers comfort and relief to individuals experiencing dry eye symptoms, allowing them to enjoy better eye health and clarity of vision.

Ingredients and dosages Aqua Tears Eye Drop

Aqua Tears Eye Drop typically contains the following ingredients and dosages:


Purified Water: The primary component of Aqua Tears Eye Drop is purified water, which serves as the base of the solution.

Electrolytes: The formulation may include electrolytes such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and calcium chloride. These electrolytes help maintain the balance of salts in the tear film.

Preservatives (optional): Some formulations may include preservatives to prevent bacterial contamination. However, preservative-free versions of Aqua Tears Eye Drop are available for individuals who are sensitive to preservatives.


The dosage of Aqua Tears Eye Drop can vary depending on the individual's specific needs and the severity of their dry eye symptoms.

Typically, one or two drops of the solution are instilled into the affected eye(s) as needed. The frequency of use may be prescribed by a healthcare provider or indicated on the product packaging.

It's important to follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare provider or on the product packaging to ensure effective relief of dry eye symptoms without overuse.

If you are using other eye medications or have specific concerns about the dosage, consult with your healthcare provider or an eye care specialist for personalized guidance.

Additionally, some individuals may benefit from preservative-free versions of Aqua Tears Eye Drop, especially if they have sensitivity to preservatives commonly found in eye drops.

Who can use Aqua Tears Eye Drop?

Here are some general guidelines regarding who can use Aqua Tears Eye Drop:

  • Individuals with Dry Eyes: Aqua Tears Eye Drop is typically used by individuals who have dry eyes, a condition characterized by insufficient tear production or rapid tear evaporation. Common causes of dry eyes include aging, environmental factors, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions.
  • Contact Lens Wearers: People who wear contact lenses may use Aqua Tears Eye Drop to alleviate discomfort associated with dryness and irritation caused by contact lens use. It can help improve lens comfort and reduce symptoms like dryness and grittiness.
  • Sensitive Eyes: Aqua Tears Eye Drop, particularly the preservative-free versions, can be suitable for individuals with sensitive eyes who may be prone to irritation or allergies triggered by preservatives found in some eye drops.
  • Post-Surgery: In some cases, eye surgeons may recommend the use of Aqua Tears Eye Drop following certain eye surgeries, such as LASIK or cataract surgery, to aid in the healing process and reduce postoperative dryness.
  • Computer Users: People who spend extended periods working on computers or reading may experience eye strain and dryness. Aqua Tears Eye Drop can provide relief in such situations by keeping the eyes moist and comfortable.
  • Environmental Factors: Individuals exposed to dry or windy environmental conditions, air conditioning, or heating systems may use Aqua Tears Eye Drop to counteract the drying effects of these environments.
  • Individuals with Mild Eye Irritations: Aqua Tears Eye Drop can also be used by individuals experiencing mild eye irritations or redness due to dust, smoke, or other irritants.

Common mistakes to avoid Aqua Tears Eye Drop

To ensure the safe and effective use of Aqua Tears Eye Drop and to avoid potential complications, it's important to be aware of and avoid common mistakes:

  • Touching the Eye with the Dropper Tip: Avoid touching the tip of the eye drop bottle to your eye, eyelashes, or any other surfaces. This can lead to contamination of the eye drop solution.
  • Not Washing Hands: Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the eye drop bottle or touching your eyes. Clean hands help prevent introducing bacteria or contaminants to the eye.
  • Not Following Dosage Instructions: Do not exceed the recommended dosage or frequency of use as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Using too many drops or using them too often can lead to adverse effects.
  • Not Shaking the Bottle (if required): Some formulations of eye drops may require shaking before use to ensure proper mixing of the solution. Follow the product's instructions, and check if shaking is necessary.
  • Instilling Drops Directly onto the Cornea: Avoid instilling the drops directly onto the cornea (the clear front part of the eye). Aim for the conjunctiva, the white part of the eye, or create a small pouch in the lower eyelid to catch the drops.
  • Not Waiting Between Different Eye Medications: If you are using multiple eye medications, wait at least 5-10 minutes between applying different types of eye drops. This allows each medication to be absorbed properly.
  • Blinking Vigorously Immediately After Instilling: After applying the eye drop, avoid blinking vigorously right away, as this may cause the drop to be expelled from your eye before it has had time to work.
  • Neglecting the Inner Corner of the Eye: After applying the drop, gently press on the inner corner of your eye (near your nose) for a minute or two. This helps prevent the eye drop from draining into the tear duct.
  • Sharing Eye Drops: Eye drops should never be shared with others, as this can lead to the spread of infections or cross-contamination.
  • Using Expired Eye Drops: Check the expiration date on the eye drop bottle and discard any expired product. Expired eye drops may not be as effective and could potentially be harmful.
  • Not Keeping the Cap Secure: Always securely replace the cap on the eye drop bottle after use to prevent contamination and maintain the sterility of the product.
  • Ignoring Allergic Reactions: If you experience any signs of an allergic reaction, such as itching, redness, swelling, or increased discomfort, stop using the eye drop immediately and consult a healthcare provider.

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FAQs on Aqua Tears Eye Drop

Q: What is Aqua Tears Eye Drop used for?

A: Aqua Tears Eye Drop is used to relieve the discomfort and symptoms associated with dry eyes. It provides moisture and lubrication to the eye's surface, helping to alleviate dryness, irritation, and redness.

Q: How do I apply Aqua Tears Eye Drop?

A: To apply Aqua Tears Eye Drop, wash your hands, tilt your head back, create a pouch by pulling down your lower eyelid, and instill one or two drops into the pouch. Close your eyes for a moment, and then press gently on the inner corner of your eye near the nose.

Q: How often should I use Aqua Tears Eye Drop?

A: The frequency of use depends on your specific needs and the severity of your dry eye symptoms. Your healthcare provider will provide guidance on the recommended dosage and frequency. Typically, it can be used as often as needed.

Q: Can I use Aqua Tears Eye Drop with contact lenses?

A: Yes, Aqua Tears Eye Drop can be used with contact lenses. It can help alleviate dryness and discomfort associated with contact lens wear. Follow your eye care specialist's instructions for using eye drops with contact lenses.

Q: Are there any side effects of Aqua Tears Eye Drop?

A: Aqua Tears Eye Drop is generally well-tolerated, and side effects are usually mild and temporary. Common side effects may include temporary blurred vision, mild eye irritation, excessive tearing, or slight redness. If you experience severe or persistent side effects, consult a healthcare provider.

Q: Can I use Aqua Tears Eye Drop if I have allergies?

A: Aqua Tears Eye Drop is suitable for individuals with allergies, and preservative-free versions are available for those with sensitivity to preservatives commonly found in eye drops.

Q: What should I do if I accidentally miss a dose?

A: If you accidentally miss a dose of Aqua Tears Eye Drop, you can use it as soon as you remember. However, do not double the dose to make up for a missed one. Simply continue with your regular dosing schedule.

Q: Can I share Aqua Tears Eye Drop with others?

A: No, eye drops should not be shared with others, as this can lead to the spread of infections or cross-contamination. Each individual should use their own eye drop bottle.

Q: Is Aqua Tears Eye Drop safe for children and the elderly?

A: Aqua Tears Eye Drop is generally safe for use by children, adults, and the elderly. However, specific dosages and usage instructions may vary by age, so consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Q: How should I store Aqua Tears Eye Drop?

A: Store Aqua Tears Eye Drop at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat. Keep the bottle tightly closed, and ensure that it is out of reach of children.

Side Effect

Common side effects of Aqua Tears Eye Drop

Common side effects of Aqua Tears Eye Drop may include:

Temporary Blurred Vision: After instilling the eye drop, you may experience temporary blurred vision. This effect usually subsides within a few minutes, so it's advisable to wait before engaging in activities that require clear vision, such as driving.

Mild Eye Irritation: Some individuals may experience mild and temporary eye irritation, itching, or a burning sensation immediately after using the eye drop. This discomfort typically resolves quickly.

Excessive Tearing: In rare cases, Aqua Tears Eye Drop may initially cause increased tearing, known as reflex tearing. This is a natural response to the introduction of foreign substances into the eye and usually subsides on its own.

Redness: A slight redness of the eye may occur temporarily after using the eye drop. This redness is generally mild and should resolve without intervention.


Uses of Aqua Tears Eye Drop

The primary uses of Aqua Tears Eye Drop include:

Relieving Dryness: Aqua Tears Eye Drop is most commonly used to provide moisture and lubrication to the surface of the eye, relieving the dryness and discomfort associated with dry eyes. It helps maintain a healthy tear film and prevents the eyes from feeling gritty or irritated.

Reducing Irritation: Individuals who experience eye irritation, burning, or a foreign body sensation due to dryness can benefit from Aqua Tears Eye Drop. It helps soothe and calm the eyes, reducing these uncomfortable sensations.

Alleviating Redness: Dry eyes can sometimes lead to redness in the eyes. Aqua Tears Eye Drop can help reduce redness and improve the overall appearance of the eyes.

Enhancing Comfort with Contact Lenses: Contact lens wearers may use Aqua Tears Eye Drop to enhance the comfort of their lenses. It can relieve dryness and discomfort often associated with prolonged contact lens use.

Relieving Eye Strain: People who spend extended hours working on computers, reading, or engaging in other visually demanding activities may experience eye strain and dryness. Aqua Tears Eye Drop can help alleviate these symptoms and provide relief.

Post-Surgical Use: In some cases, eye surgeons may recommend the use of Aqua Tears Eye Drop following eye surgeries, such as LASIK or cataract surgery, to promote healing and reduce postoperative dryness.

Protection from Environmental Factors: Aqua Tears Eye Drop can offer protection from the drying effects of environmental factors, including dry or windy conditions, air conditioning, and heating systems.

Relief from Allergies: Some individuals with sensitive eyes may use preservative-free versions of Aqua Tears Eye Drop to relieve eye discomfort caused by allergies or allergic reactions.

General Eye Comfort: Aqua Tears Eye Drop can be used as a general eye lubricant to maintain eye comfort and reduce occasional eye dryness or irritation.

How to use Aqua Tears Eye Drop?

Instructions for Using Aqua Tears Eye Drop:

  • Wash Your Hands: Before touching your eyes or handling the eye drop bottle, ensure that your hands are clean and dry. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, and then dry them with a clean, lint-free towel.
  • Shake the Bottle (if required): Some formulations of Aqua Tears Eye Drop may require shaking the bottle before use. Check the product label or your healthcare provider's instructions to determine if shaking is necessary.
  • Prepare a Clean Surface: Find a clean and well-lit surface to comfortably administer the eye drops. You may want to sit or stand in front of a mirror to help with precise application.
  • Tilt Your Head Back: Tilt your head backward, gently looking upward.
  • Create a Pouch: Use one hand to pull down your lower eyelid, creating a small pouch between the lower eyelid and your eye.
  • Apply the Eye Drops: Hold the eye drop bottle with your other hand, keeping it close to your eye but not touching it. Carefully instill the prescribed number of drops (usually one or two) into the pouch you created in step 5. Be careful not to touch your eye or eyelashes with the tip of the bottle.
  • Close Your Eyes: After instilling the drops, close your eyes gently. This helps to distribute the eye drop across the surface of the eye.
  • Press Gently: After closing your eyes, press your finger gently against the inner corner of your eye (near your nose) for a minute or two. This helps prevent the eye drop from draining into your tear duct, which can reduce its effectiveness.
  • Avoid Blinking Vigorously: Try not to blink vigorously immediately after applying the eye drop, as this can cause the drop to be expelled from your eye before it has a chance to work.
  • Repeat for the Other Eye (if necessary): If you need to apply the eye drops to both eyes, repeat the process for the other eye.
  • Replace the Cap: Securely replace the cap on the eye drop bottle to prevent contamination and ensure the sterility of the product.
  • Wash Your Hands Again: After using the eye drops, wash your hands again to remove any residue.


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The information provided on website is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized medical advice.


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