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Crocin 500 MG Tablet is a medication that incorporates crocin, a natural compound derived from saffron (Crocus sativus). Saffron has a rich history of culinary and medicinal uses, and crocin, one of its bioactive constituents, is believed to offer various health benefits. You can buy Crocin 500 MG Tablets online in the USA/UK from Online Blue Pills at best prices.

Generic Name : PARACETAMOL


Manufacturer Name : GSK Pharma

Product Code : OBP 1004

Delivery Days : 10 To 12 Working Days

Composition : Paracetamol

Strength : 500mg

Packaging : Tablet (Blisters)

Presentation : Pills Strip

Drug Class : Analgesics (pain relievers) and antipyretics (fever reducers)

Prescribed For : Eeducing fever and relieving pain including toothache, headache, migraine, muscle ache, period pain

Side Effects : Nausea, Stomach Pain, Loss of appetite, Diarrhoea, Stomach upset, Indigestion

Pack Size/Qty Price Price Per Pill or unit  
100 TABLET'S $25.00 $0.25

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50 TABLET'S $14.50 $0.29

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What is Crocin 500 MG Tablet?

Crocin 500 MG Tablet is a medicinal formulation that incorporates crocin as its active ingredient. Crocin is a natural compound extracted from saffron (Crocus sativus), known for its distinctive color and various potential health benefits. The tablet is designed to provide the therapeutic properties associated with crocin, offering antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and mood-enhancing effects.

How does Crocin 500 MG Tablet work?

Here's an overview of how Crocin 500 MG Tablet works:

Antioxidant Action:

Crocin exhibits potent antioxidant properties. As an antioxidant, it helps neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced during various metabolic processes and exposure to environmental factors. By neutralizing these free radicals, crocin protects cells from oxidative stress, reducing the risk of cellular damage and inflammation.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

Crocin is known for its potential anti-inflammatory effects. It may inhibit certain inflammatory pathways, helping to modulate the body's response to inflammation. This property can be beneficial for conditions where inflammation contributes to pain and discomfort.
Mood Enhancement:

Some research suggests that crocin may have mood-enhancing properties. It is thought to influence neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, which plays a crucial role in regulating mood. While the exact mechanisms are still under investigation, crocin's potential impact on mood makes it a subject of interest in the field of mental health.
Eye Health Support:

Crocin has been studied for its role in supporting eye health, particularly in preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It may exert protective effects on the cells of the retina and contribute to maintaining optimal vision. Ongoing research aims to further elucidate its mechanisms in eye health.
Cellular Health:

By acting as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, crocin contributes to overall cellular health. This is important for the normal functioning of cells and tissues throughout the body.
Neuroprotective Effects:

Some studies suggest that crocin may have neuroprotective effects, potentially shielding nerve cells from damage. This aspect is being explored in the context of neurodegenerative conditions.

Ingredients and dosages Crocin 500 MG Tablets

Ingredients and Dosages of Crocin 500 MG Tablets:


Crocin 500 MG Tablets primarily contain the active ingredient crocin, which is a natural compound extracted from saffron (Crocus sativus). Saffron is a flowering plant known for its vibrant color and various bioactive compounds, including crocin, which contributes to the potential health benefits of the medication.


The dosages of Crocin 500 MG Tablets may vary based on individual health conditions, the severity of symptoms, and the recommendation of healthcare professionals. It is crucial to follow the prescribed dosage and administration instructions provided by your healthcare provider. Self-medication should be avoided, and any concerns or side effects should be promptly reported to your healthcare professional.

Who can use Crocin 500 MG Tablets?

Here are considerations regarding who can use these tablets:

Adults and Adolescents:

Crocin 500 MG Tablets are typically intended for use by adults and adolescents under the guidance of a healthcare provider. The dosage may vary based on individual health conditions and needs.
Individuals with Pain and Inflammation:

Those experiencing mild to moderate pain, inflammation, or discomfort associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, dental pain, or headaches may benefit from Crocin 500 MG Tablets.
Patients with Mood Disorders:

Crocin, the active compound in these tablets, is being studied for potential mood-enhancing effects. Individuals with mild to moderate depression or mood disorders may be considered for its use under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
Eye Health Concerns:

Some individuals, especially those concerned about eye health or at risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), may use Crocin 500 MG Tablets as a supplement. However, the use for eye health should be discussed with a healthcare provider.
Individuals Seeking Antioxidant Support:

Crocin is known for its antioxidant properties. Individuals looking for antioxidant support to combat oxidative stress in the body may consider using Crocin 500 MG Tablets, following healthcare advice.
Those without Allergies to Saffron:

Since crocin is derived from saffron, individuals without known allergies to saffron can potentially use Crocin 500 MG Tablets. However, any history of allergies or adverse reactions should be disclosed to healthcare providers.
Pregnant and Breastfeeding Individuals:

Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should consult with their healthcare provider before using Crocin 500 MG Tablets. The potential risks and benefits need to be carefully evaluated, especially during specific trimesters or while nursing.
Individuals without Specific Contraindications:

Individuals without specific contraindications, such as pre-existing health conditions or medications that may interact adversely with Crocin 500 MG Tablets, may be suitable candidates for its use. However, professional medical advice is essential.

Common mistakes to avoid Crocin 500 MG Tablets

Exceeding Recommended Dosage:

Avoid taking more Crocin 500 MG Tablets than the prescribed dosage. Exceeding the recommended dose can lead to adverse effects and potential complications.
Overuse for Prolonged Periods:

Using Crocin 500 MG Tablets continuously for extended periods without consulting a healthcare professional can pose risks. Prolonged use may lead to complications or mask underlying health issues.
Ignoring Underlying Health Conditions:

If you have pre-existing health conditions, especially liver or kidney problems, consult your healthcare provider before using Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Ignoring underlying health issues can result in adverse reactions.
Alcohol Consumption:

Avoid consuming alcohol while taking Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Alcohol can interact with the medication, increasing the risk of side effects and potentially causing liver damage.
Incomplete Information to Healthcare Provider:

Provide your healthcare provider with complete information about your medical history, including allergies, existing medications, and underlying health conditions. Incomplete information may lead to unintended interactions or adverse effects.

Do not self-prescribe or self-medicate with Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Consult a healthcare professional for proper guidance based on your individual health profile.
Ignoring Allergic Reactions:

If you experience allergic reactions such as rash, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing after taking Crocin 500 MG Tablets, seek immediate medical attention. Ignoring allergic reactions can lead to severe consequences.
Mixing with Other Medications:

Inform your healthcare provider about all medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, to avoid potential drug interactions. Mixing medications without proper guidance may result in adverse effects.
Delaying Medical Attention for Side Effects:

If you experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, or unusual bleeding, do not delay seeking medical attention. Prompt reporting of side effects is crucial for timely intervention.
Using Expired Medication:

Check the expiration date on Crocin 500 MG Tablets before use. Using expired medication may be ineffective and could pose health risks.
Discontinuing Abruptly:

If Crocin 500 MG Tablets are prescribed for a specific duration, follow the prescribed course. Abruptly discontinuing the medication without consulting your healthcare provider may lead to a recurrence of symptoms.
Ignoring Pregnancy or Breastfeeding Status:

Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should consult their healthcare provider before using Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Ignoring this consideration may pose risks to the developing fetus or the nursing infant.

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Online Blue Pills is a leading online pharmacy for all your medical needs. If you want to shop Crocin 500 MG Tablets online in the USA, Online Blue Pills is your go-to destination. Get medicines at the most affordable prices and quickly delivered across the USA only from Online Blue Pills.


FAQs on Crocin 500 MG Tablets

Q: What is Crocin 500 MG used for?

A: Crocin 500 MG Tablets are commonly used for pain relief, reducing inflammation, lowering fever, and supporting overall well-being. The active ingredient, crocin, is derived from saffron and may have additional benefits such as mood enhancement and antioxidant support.

Q: How should I take Crocin 500 MG Tablets?

A: Take Crocin 500 MG Tablets orally with a full glass of water. The dosage and administration instructions are typically provided by your healthcare provider. It can be taken with or without food, depending on individual preference.

Q: Can I drink alcohol while taking Crocin 500 MG Tablets?

A: It is advisable to avoid alcohol while taking Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Alcohol can interact with the medication and may increase the risk of side effects, particularly on the gastrointestinal system.

Q: What are the common side effects of Crocin 500 MG Tablets?

A: Common side effects may include nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, heartburn, allergic reactions, dizziness, headache, increased liver enzymes, easy bruising or bleeding, skin reactions, trouble sleeping, and fluid retention. Consult your healthcare provider if any side effects persist or worsen.

Q: Can pregnant or breastfeeding individuals use Crocin 500 MG Tablets?

A: Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should consult their healthcare provider before using Crocin 500 MG Tablets. The potential risks and benefits need to be carefully evaluated, and professional medical advice is essential.

Q: Is Crocin 500 MG addictive?

A: No, Crocin 500 MG Tablets are not known to be addictive. They are generally considered safe for short-term use as directed by a healthcare professional.

Q: Can I use Crocin 500 MG Tablets for a prolonged period?

A: Prolonged use of Crocin 500 MG Tablets should be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Continuous, long-term use without professional oversight may lead to complications or mask underlying health issues.

Q: What should I do if I miss a dose of Crocin 500 MG Tablets?

A: If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it's almost time for the next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and continue with the regular dosing schedule. Do not double the dose to make up for a missed one.

Q: Can I drive or operate machinery after taking Crocin 500 MG Tablets?

A: Crocin 500 MG Tablets may cause dizziness in some individuals. Avoid activities that require mental alertness, such as driving or operating machinery, until you know how the medication affects you.

Q: Can I take Crocin 500 MG Tablets with other medications?

A: Inform your healthcare provider about all medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, to avoid potential drug interactions. Mixing medications without proper guidance may result in adverse effects.

Side Effect

Common side effects of Crocin 500 MG Tablets

Common side effects may include:


Some individuals may experience a feeling of nausea after taking Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Taking the medication with food or a glass of milk may help alleviate this symptom.

Vomiting is another common side effect, particularly if the tablets are taken on an empty stomach. If persistent, consult your healthcare provider.
Stomach Upset:

Crocin 500 MG Tablets can sometimes cause stomach upset or discomfort. Taking the medication with food may help reduce stomach-related side effects.

Individuals may experience heartburn or indigestion as a side effect of Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Taking the tablets with a meal or a glass of water may mitigate this symptom.
Allergic Reactions:

Allergic reactions, such as rash, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing, may occur in some individuals. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any signs of an allergic reaction.

Some individuals may feel dizzy or lightheaded after taking Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Avoid activities that require mental alertness, such as driving, until you know how the medication affects you.

Paradoxically, Crocin 500 MG Tablets may cause headaches in some individuals. If headaches persist or become severe, consult with your healthcare provider.
Increased Liver Enzymes:

In rare cases, Crocin 500 MG Tablets may lead to an increase in liver enzymes. Regular monitoring of liver function may be recommended, especially with prolonged use.
Easy Bruising or Bleeding:

Crocin 500 MG Tablets may affect blood clotting in some individuals, leading to easy bruising or bleeding. Consult your healthcare provider if you notice unusual bleeding.
Skin Reactions:

Skin reactions such as redness, itching, or hives may occur. Discontinue use and seek medical advice if these symptoms persist.
Trouble Sleeping (Insomnia):

Some individuals may experience difficulty sleeping or insomnia as a side effect of Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Taking the medication earlier in the day may help minimize this effect.
Fluid Retention:

Crocin 500 MG Tablets may, in rare cases, cause fluid retention, leading to swelling in the extremities. If you notice sudden swelling, contact your healthcare provider.


Uses of Crocin 500 MG Tablets

Here are the primary uses of Crocin 500 MG Tablets:

Pain Relief:

Crocin 500 MG Tablets are widely used to provide relief from mild to moderate pain associated with conditions such as headaches, dental pain, muscular pain, and minor injuries.
Anti-Inflammatory Action:

The medication exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in reducing inflammation and associated discomfort. It may be recommended for individuals with inflammatory conditions like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Fever Reduction:

Crocin 500 MG Tablets are commonly employed to reduce fever in individuals suffering from various infections or illnesses. The medication helps regulate body temperature by acting on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls body temperature.
Mood Enhancement:

Some studies suggest that crocin, the active ingredient in Crocin 500 MG Tablets, may have mood-enhancing properties. It may be considered as a supplement in the management of mild to moderate depression, though further research is needed to establish its efficacy in this regard.
Eye Health Support:

Crocin is being investigated for its potential role in supporting eye health. It may contribute to preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a condition that affects the central part of the retina and can lead to vision impairment.
Antioxidant Support:

Crocin is known for its antioxidant properties, helping to neutralize free radicals in the body. Antioxidants play a crucial role in preventing cellular damage caused by oxidative stress.
Menstrual Pain Relief:

Crocin 500 MG Tablets may be prescribed for relieving menstrual cramps and associated discomfort during menstruation.
General Health and Well-being:

As a natural compound, crocin may contribute to overall health and well-being. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects make it a potential supplement for individuals seeking preventive measures against oxidative stress and inflammation.

How to use Crocin 500 MG Tablets?

Here are general guidelines on how to use these tablets:

Dosage Information:

The dosage of Crocin 500 MG Tablets is typically determined by healthcare professionals based on individual factors such as age, weight, and the specific health condition being addressed.
Administration Instructions:

Crocin 500 MG Tablets are usually taken orally with a full glass of water. It is important to swallow the tablet whole without crushing or breaking it, unless otherwise instructed by a healthcare provider.
With or Without Food:

Crocin 500 MG Tablets can be taken with or without food, depending on individual preference and tolerance. Taking it with food may help minimize the risk of stomach upset.
Interval Between Doses:

Follow the prescribed dosing schedule provided by your healthcare provider. Typically, Crocin 500 MG Tablets are taken every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain relief or as directed by the healthcare professional.
Avoid Alcohol:

It is advisable to avoid consuming alcohol while taking Crocin 500 MG Tablets. Alcohol can interact with the medication and may increase the risk of side effects, especially on the gastrointestinal system.
Avoid Overdosing:

Do not exceed the recommended dosage without consulting your healthcare provider. Overdosing on Crocin can lead to adverse effects and may be harmful to your health.
Consultation for Special Populations:

Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals, as well as those with pre-existing health conditions, should consult with their healthcare provider before using Crocin 500 MG Tablets. The healthcare professional will provide guidance on the appropriateness of the medication based on individual circumstances.
Reporting Side Effects:

If you experience any unusual symptoms, side effects, or allergic reactions after taking Crocin 500 MG Tablets, inform your healthcare provider promptly. It's important to address any concerns to ensure your safety and well-being.
Storage Instructions:

Store Crocin 500 MG Tablets in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep the medication out of reach of children.


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The information provided on website is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized medical advice.


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