Online Blue Pills
Jardiance 25mg is a prescription medication containing empagliflozin as its active ingredient. It belongs to a class of drugs known as sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. Jardiance is primarily used in the management of type 2 diabetes to help control blood sugar levels. You can buy Jardiance 25 MG Tablets online in the USA/UK from Online Blue Pills at best prices.

Generic Name : Empagliflozin

Brand Name : Empagliflozin

Manufacturer Name : Boehringer Ingelheim

Product Code : OBP 1367

Delivery Days : 10 To 12 Working Days

Composition : Empagliflozin

Strength : 25mg

Packaging : Tablets (Blister)

Presentation : Pills Strip

Drug Class : Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors

Prescribed For : Control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes

Side Effects : Dehydration, dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, yeast infection, low blood sugar, nausea

Pack Size/Qty Price Price Per Pill or unit  
90 TABLET'S $269.10 $2.99

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60 TABLET'S $197.40 $3.29

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30 TABLET'S $119.70 $3.99

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What is Jardiance 25 MG Tablets?

Jardiance 25 MG is a prescription medication containing empagliflozin as its active ingredient. It belongs to the class of drugs known as sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. Jardiance is primarily prescribed for the management of type 2 diabetes to help control blood sugar levels.

How does Jardiance 25 MG Tablets work?

Understanding how Jardiance works involves recognizing its mechanism of action in the body, particularly in the context of managing type 2 diabetes.

Targeting the Kidneys:

Jardiance primarily acts on the kidneys, which play a crucial role in regulating glucose levels in the bloodstream.
Inhibition of SGLT2 Protein:

Within the kidneys, there is a protein called sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2). This protein is responsible for reabsorbing glucose from the urine back into the bloodstream.
Promoting Glucose Excretion:

Empagliflozin, the active ingredient in Jardiance, inhibits the function of SGLT2. By doing so, it hinders the reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys.
Increased Glucose Elimination:

The inhibition of SGLT2 results in more glucose being excreted through the urine rather than being reabsorbed. This leads to a reduction in the overall amount of glucose in the bloodstream.
Lowering Blood Sugar Levels:

The net effect is a decrease in blood sugar levels as excess glucose is eliminated from the body through urine.
Caloric Loss:

In addition to its glucose-lowering effect, Jardiance also causes a loss of calories in the form of glucose through urine, contributing to potential weight loss.
Heart and Kidney Benefits:

Beyond its impact on blood sugar, Jardiance has demonstrated cardiovascular and renal benefits. Clinical studies have indicated a reduction in cardiovascular events and improvements in kidney health for certain individuals.
Complementary to Lifestyle Modifications:

Jardiance is often prescribed as part of a comprehensive diabetes management plan, which includes lifestyle modifications such as a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Ingredients and dosages Jardiance 25 MG Tablets

Ingredients and Dosage of Jardiance 25 MG Tablets:

Active Ingredient:

Each Jardiance 25 MG Tablet contains empagliflozin as its active pharmaceutical ingredient.


The dosage of Jardiance 25 MG is determined by healthcare professionals based on individual health conditions and the specific requirements of the patient.
The typical recommended dose is 25 milligrams (mg) taken orally once a day.
The tablet can be taken with or without food.
It is essential to adhere to the prescribed dosage and follow the instructions provided by the healthcare provider.

Who can use Jardiance 25 MG Tablets?

Here are some considerations regarding who can use Jardiance 25 MG Tablets:

Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis:

Jardiance is primarily indicated for adults with type 2 diabetes. It is not intended for the treatment of type 1 diabetes.
Individuals Requiring Blood Sugar Control:

Jardiance is suitable for individuals who require additional measures to control their blood sugar levels despite lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise.
Comprehensive Diabetes Management:

Jardiance is often prescribed as part of a comprehensive diabetes management plan, which may include lifestyle modifications and other medications.
Consultation with Healthcare Provider:

The decision to use Jardiance is made by healthcare professionals after a thorough evaluation of the patient's overall health, existing medical conditions, and potential benefits and risks associated with the medication.
Special Considerations:

Individuals with specific health conditions, such as impaired kidney function or a history of cardiovascular events, may benefit from the cardiovascular and renal protective effects associated with Jardiance. Dosage adjustments may be necessary in such cases.
Exclusion Criteria:

Jardiance may not be suitable for everyone. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals, those with severe renal impairment, or those with a known hypersensitivity to empagliflozin should not use this medication.
Pediatric Use:

Jardiance is not approved for use in pediatric patients. Its safety and efficacy in children have not been established.
Regular Monitoring:

Individuals using Jardiance should undergo regular monitoring to assess its effectiveness and identify any potential side effects. This includes routine blood tests and check-ups with healthcare providers.

Common mistakes to avoid Jardiance 25 MG Tablets

Here are common mistakes to avoid:

Missed Doses:

Avoid missing doses of Jardiance. Consistency is crucial for optimal blood sugar control. If you forget a dose, take it as soon as you remember, but do not double up on doses.
Abrupt Discontinuation:

Do not stop taking Jardiance without consulting your healthcare provider. Abrupt discontinuation may lead to uncontrolled blood sugar levels.
Self-Adjustment of Dosage:

Do not alter the dosage without professional guidance. Changes in dosage should only be made under the supervision of your healthcare provider.
Neglecting Lifestyle Modifications:

Jardiance is most effective when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Neglecting these lifestyle modifications may impact its full potential in managing diabetes.
Dehydration Concerns:

Be mindful of dehydration risks, especially if you experience increased urination. Stay adequately hydrated and consult your healthcare provider if you have concerns about fluid balance.
Failure to Report Side Effects:

Report any unusual side effects or discomfort to your healthcare provider promptly. Ignoring or tolerating persistent side effects without consultation may compromise your well-being.
Overlooking Regular Monitoring:

Regularly monitor blood sugar levels and attend scheduled check-ups as advised by your healthcare provider. Consistent monitoring is essential to assess the medication's effectiveness and adjust the treatment plan if needed.
Inadequate Hydration:

Ensure sufficient fluid intake, particularly if you experience increased urine output. Dehydration can be a concern, and maintaining hydration is crucial.
Ignoring Comprehensive Care:

Do not rely solely on medication. Engage in the comprehensive care plan outlined by your healthcare provider, including dietary changes, exercise, and other prescribed medications.
Skipping Consultations:

Do not skip scheduled appointments with your healthcare provider. Regular follow-ups are necessary to evaluate the ongoing effectiveness and safety of Jardiance.
Unreported Medication Changes:

Inform your healthcare provider about any new medications you plan to take or changes in your medication regimen. Some medications may interact with Jardiance.
Pregnancy Considerations:

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, consult your healthcare provider. The use of Jardiance during pregnancy requires careful consideration and discussion with your healthcare team.

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FAQs on Jardiance 25 MG Tablets

Q: What is Jardiance 25 MG used for?

A: Jardiance 25 MG Tablets are used for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults. It helps control blood sugar levels and has demonstrated cardiovascular and renal benefits.

Q: How does Jardiance 25 MG work?

A: Jardiance contains empagliflozin, an SGLT2 inhibitor. It works by inhibiting the reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys, leading to increased glucose excretion through urine and lower blood sugar levels.

Q: What is the recommended dosage of Jardiance 25 MG?

A: The typical dosage is one tablet (25 MG) taken orally once a day. Dosage adjustments may be made by healthcare professionals based on individual response and health conditions.

Q: Can Jardiance 25 MG be taken with or without food?

A: Yes, Jardiance can be taken with or without food. It's essential to follow the prescribed dosing instructions provided by your healthcare provider.

Q: What should I do if I miss a dose of Jardiance 25 MG?

A: If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it's almost time for the next scheduled dose, skip the missed one and resume your regular dosing schedule. Do not double up on doses.

Q: Are there any common side effects of Jardiance 25 MG?

A: Common side effects may include genitourinary infections, increased urination, dizziness, dehydration, hypotension, increased blood cholesterol levels, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, and allergic reactions. Report any unusual symptoms to your healthcare provider.

Q: Can Jardiance 25 MG cause dehydration?

A: Yes, Jardiance may lead to increased urine output, potentially causing dehydration. It's important to stay adequately hydrated, and if signs of dehydration occur, such as dizziness or dark urine, consult your healthcare provider.

Q: Is Jardiance 25 MG safe during pregnancy?

A: The safety of Jardiance during pregnancy is not well established. Consult your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding before using Jardiance.

Q: Can Jardiance 25 MG cause weight loss?

A: Some individuals may experience weight loss as a secondary effect of Jardiance due to the loss of calories through increased urine excretion. However, weight changes can vary among individuals.

Q: Does Jardiance 25 MG interact with other medications?

A: Jardiance may interact with certain medications. Inform your healthcare provider about all the medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, to prevent potential interactions.

Q: How often should I have my blood sugar levels monitored while on Jardiance 25 MG?

A: Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is essential. Your healthcare provider will determine the frequency of monitoring based on your individual needs and response to the medication.

Q: Can Jardiance 25 MG be used in children?

A: Jardiance is not approved for use in pediatric patients. Its safety and efficacy in children have not been established.

Side Effect

Common side effects of Jardiance 25 MG Tablets

Common side effects of Jardiance may include:

Genitourinary Infections:

Description: Increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and genital yeast infections.
Symptoms: Pain or burning during urination, frequent urination, genital itching or discomfort.
Action: Maintain good hygiene and report any signs of infection to your healthcare provider.
Increased Urination:

Description: Jardiance works by increasing urinary glucose excretion, leading to increased urine production.
Symptoms: Frequent urination, especially during the initial stages of treatment.
Action: Stay adequately hydrated and be mindful of potential dehydration.

Description: Increased urination may contribute to dehydration in some individuals.
Symptoms: Thirst, dry mouth, dark urine, dizziness.
Action: Ensure sufficient fluid intake and report signs of dehydration to your healthcare provider.

Description: Some individuals may experience dizziness, especially when standing up quickly.
Symptoms: Feeling lightheaded or dizzy.
Action: Change positions slowly, especially when getting up from a seated or lying position.
Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure):

Description: Jardiance may lead to decreased blood pressure.
Symptoms: Dizziness, fainting.
Action: Report symptoms of low blood pressure to your healthcare provider.
Increased Blood Cholesterol Levels:

Description: Jardiance may cause an increase in blood cholesterol levels.
Symptoms: Typically asymptomatic.
Action: Regular monitoring of cholesterol levels by your healthcare provider.
Hyperkalemia (High Blood Potassium Levels):

Description: Elevated potassium levels may occur.
Symptoms: Weakness, irregular heartbeat.
Action: Regular monitoring of potassium levels and reporting any symptoms to your healthcare provider.
Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar):

Description: When used in combination with other antidiabetic medications, Jardiance may contribute to low blood sugar.
Symptoms: Sweating, shakiness, confusion.
Action: Be aware of symptoms of low blood sugar, especially if using Jardiance with other diabetes medications.
Allergic Reactions:

Description: Allergic reactions are rare but possible.
Symptoms: Rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, difficulty breathing.
Action: Seek immediate medical attention if you experience signs of an allergic reaction.
Bone Fractures:

Description: Some studies suggest a potential increased risk of bone fractures with long-term use.
Symptoms: Bone pain, fractures.
Action: Discuss any concerns about bone health with your healthcare provider.


Uses of Jardiance 25 MG Tablets

Here are the primary uses:

Blood Sugar Control:

Jardiance is utilized to help control and manage blood sugar levels in adults with type 2 diabetes. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who have not achieved adequate glycemic control through lifestyle modifications alone.
Comprehensive Diabetes Management:

Jardiance is often integrated into a comprehensive diabetes management plan, which may include lifestyle adjustments such as a balanced diet and regular exercise, as well as other medications as deemed necessary by healthcare professionals.
Cardiovascular and Renal Benefits:

Beyond its glucose-lowering effects, Jardiance has demonstrated cardiovascular and renal benefits. Clinical studies have shown a reduction in cardiovascular events and improvements in renal outcomes for certain individuals with type 2 diabetes.
Reduction of Cardiovascular Risks:

Jardiance has been associated with a reduction in the risk of major cardiovascular events, including heart attacks and strokes, in individuals with established cardiovascular disease.
Renal Protection:

The medication has shown benefits in preserving renal function, making it a valuable option for individuals at risk of or with existing kidney complications associated with type 2 diabetes.
Potential Weight Loss:

Some individuals using Jardiance may experience weight loss as a secondary effect, attributed to the loss of calories through the excretion of glucose in the urine.
Individualized Treatment Plans:

The use of Jardiance is individualized, and its inclusion in a treatment plan depends on factors such as the patient's overall health, response to other diabetes medications, and specific cardiovascular or renal considerations.

How to use Jardiance 25 MG Tablets?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use Jardiance:

Prescription Adherence:

Take Jardiance exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Do not alter the dosage or frequency without consulting your doctor.
Dosage Information:

The typical dosage is one tablet of Jardiance 25 MG taken orally once a day.
The tablet can be taken with or without food.
Swallow Whole:

Swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water. Do not crush, chew, or break the tablet, as it is formulated for controlled release.
Consistent Timing:

Take Jardiance at the same time each day to establish a consistent routine. This helps maintain steady medication levels in the body.
Missed Dose:

If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it's almost time for the next scheduled dose, skip the missed one and resume the regular dosing schedule.
Do not double up on doses to compensate for a missed one.
Compliance with Lifestyle Modifications:

Continue adhering to lifestyle modifications recommended by your healthcare provider, including a healthy diet and regular exercise. Jardiance is often part of a comprehensive diabetes management plan.
Regular Monitoring:

Undergo regular check-ups and monitoring as advised by your healthcare provider. This includes blood tests to assess the effectiveness of Jardiance and to identify any potential side effects.

Maintain adequate hydration while using Jardiance, as increased urine excretion may lead to fluid loss. Consult your healthcare provider if you have concerns about dehydration.
Consultation with Healthcare Provider:

Inform your healthcare provider about any changes in your health, medications, or if you plan to start any new medications while using Jardiance.
Special Considerations:

If you have concerns or experience unusual symptoms, consult your healthcare provider promptly.


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