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Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet is a medication that contains the active ingredient Sorafenib. It belongs to the class of kinase inhibitors, which are targeted therapies used in the treatment of certain types of cancer. Sorafenat is specifically designed to inhibit pathways and receptors involved in the growth and spread of cancer cells. You can buy Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet online in the USA/UK from Online Blue Pills at best prices.


Generic Name : Nexavar

Brand Name : Sorafenib

Manufacturer Name : Natco Pharma

Product Code : OBP 933

Delivery Days : 10 To 12 Working Days

Composition : Nexavar

Strength : 200mg

Packaging : Tablet (Blisters)

Presentation : Pills Strip

Drug Class : Angiogenesis Inhibitor

Prescribed For : Used to treat kidney cancer

Side Effects : Fatigue, Nausea, Loss of appetite, Diarrhea, Abdominal pain, Hair loss, Weight loss, Rash

Pack Size/Qty Price Price Per Pill or unit  
240 TABLET'S $405.60 $1.69

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120 TABLET'S $205.20 $1.71

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What is the Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet?

Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet is a medication used in the treatment of certain types of cancer. It contains the active ingredient Sorafenib, which belongs to the class of drugs known as kinase inhibitors. Kinase inhibitors are a type of targeted therapy designed to interfere with specific molecules involved in the growth and spread of cancer cells.

How does the Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet work?

Here is an overview of how Sorafenat works:

Inhibition of Kinases:

Sorafenib is a kinase inhibitor, meaning it targets enzymes called kinases. Kinases play a crucial role in cellular signaling pathways, regulating processes such as cell growth, proliferation, and angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels).
Angiogenesis Inhibition:

One key mechanism of Sorafenib is the inhibition of angiogenesis, the process by which new blood vessels form to supply nutrients and oxygen to growing tumors. By targeting vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFRs), Sorafenib impedes the formation of these blood vessels, thereby limiting the tumor's access to necessary resources.
Raf/MEK/ERK Pathway Inhibition:

Sorafenib also inhibits the Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway, which is involved in cell growth and survival. By interfering with this pathway, the medication disrupts the signaling cascade that contributes to uncontrolled cell division.
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition:

Sorafenib targets various tyrosine kinases, including those associated with receptors such as VEGFR, platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR), and fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR). This broad inhibition hampers the growth-promoting signals that cancer cells rely on.
Apoptosis Induction:

The interference with signaling pathways and the inhibition of growth-promoting signals can lead to the induction of apoptosis, or programmed cell death. This is a mechanism by which the body naturally eliminates damaged or abnormal cells.

Ingredients and dosages Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet

Active Ingredient:

Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet contains the active pharmaceutical ingredient Sorafenib.
Inactive Ingredients:

In addition to the active ingredient, the tablet may contain inactive ingredients, which can include binders, fillers, and coloring agents. The specific composition of inactive ingredients may vary among different formulations and brands of Sorafenat.
Dosage of Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet:

Prescription-Based Dosage:

The dosage of Sorafenat is determined by the treating oncologist based on various factors, including the type and stage of cancer, the individual's overall health, and the response to treatment.
Standard Dosage:

The standard dosage for Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet is often once or twice daily, as prescribed by the healthcare provider. The tablet is typically taken orally with water.
Consistency in Administration:

It is important for patients to take Sorafenat consistently at the same time each day, following the prescribed schedule provided by the healthcare provider. Consistent administration helps maintain a steady level of the medication in the body.
Individualized Treatment:

The oncologist may adjust the dosage or treatment plan based on how well the patient responds to the medication and any observed side effects. Dosage adjustments are made with careful consideration of the individual's health status.
Duration of Treatment:

The duration of Sorafenat treatment varies and is determined by the healthcare provider. Some patients may receive continuous treatment, while others may undergo intermittent cycles based on the response to therapy.
Monitoring and Adjustments:

Regular medical check-ups, imaging studies, and laboratory tests are conducted to monitor the progress of the treatment and manage any potential side effects. Dosage adjustments or modifications to the treatment plan may be made based on these evaluations.
Patient Adherence:

Patients are encouraged to adhere to the prescribed dosage and treatment plan and to communicate any concerns or side effects to their healthcare provider promptly.

Who can use Sorafenat 200 MG Tablets?

Here are key considerations:


Sorafenat is typically prescribed for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer) and hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer). The eligibility for Sorafenat is determined based on the specific cancer diagnosis.
Medical Evaluation:

Eligibility for Sorafenat is determined through a comprehensive medical evaluation conducted by the treating oncologist. This evaluation considers the type and stage of cancer, the overall health of the individual, and other relevant medical factors.
Health Status:

Individuals who are in relatively good overall health, aside from their cancer diagnosis, are generally considered for Sorafenat treatment. The medication may not be suitable for individuals with certain preexisting health conditions or contraindications.
Response to Previous Treatments:

Sorafenat may be considered for individuals who have not responded well to previous cancer treatments or for whom other treatment options are not feasible. The decision to use Sorafenat is often made after considering the individual's treatment history.
Patient's Ability to Tolerate Treatment:

The ability of the patient to tolerate the potential side effects of Sorafenat is an important consideration. The treating healthcare provider assesses the patient's overall health and discusses potential risks and benefits.
Individualized Treatment Plan:

Sorafenat is not a one-size-fits-all medication, and its use is determined on an individual basis. The treating oncologist tailors the treatment plan based on the specific needs and circumstances of each patient.
Pregnancy and Contraception:

Sorafenat may pose risks to the fetus, and therefore, it is generally not recommended during pregnancy. Effective contraception is advised for individuals of childbearing potential during Sorafenat treatment.
Communication with Healthcare Provider:

Patients should openly communicate with their healthcare provider about their medical history, ongoing medications, and any concerns or questions they may have regarding Sorafenat treatment.

Common mistakes to avoid Sorafenat 200 MG Tablets

Missed Doses:

Avoid missing doses of Sorafenat. Consistency in taking the medication as prescribed is crucial for its effectiveness. If a dose is missed, follow the guidance of your healthcare provider on whether to take the missed dose or wait for the next scheduled dose.
Double Dosing:

Do not double up on doses to make up for a missed one. Taking more than the prescribed amount can increase the risk of side effects without providing additional benefits.
Inconsistent Timing:

Try to take Sorafenat at the same time each day as recommended by your healthcare provider. Consistent timing helps maintain a steady level of the medication in your body.
Not Following Food Instructions:

Follow the specific instructions regarding whether Sorafenat should be taken with or without food. Some medications are best absorbed with food, while others should be taken on an empty stomach.
Grapefruit Interaction:

Avoid consuming grapefruit or grapefruit products during Sorafenat treatment. Grapefruit can interact with the medication and affect its absorption, potentially altering its effectiveness.
Skipping Medical Check-ups:

Regular medical check-ups, including blood tests and imaging studies, are essential for monitoring your response to Sorafenat and managing potential side effects. Skipping appointments may hinder the ability to adjust the treatment plan as needed.
Ignoring Side Effects:

Do not ignore or downplay side effects. Report any side effects promptly to your healthcare provider. Early detection and management of side effects contribute to a more effective and tolerable treatment experience.
Not Using Effective Contraception:

If you are of childbearing potential, do not neglect the importance of effective contraception during Sorafenat treatment. The medication may pose risks to the fetus, so discuss contraceptive options with your healthcare provider.
Self-Adjusting Dosage:

Do not adjust the dosage of Sorafenat on your own. Changes to the treatment plan should only be made under the guidance of your healthcare provider based on your individual response to the medication.
Not Communicating Changes in Health:

Inform your healthcare provider about any changes in your health, including the development of new symptoms or the worsening of existing ones. Open communication ensures timely adjustments to the treatment plan.
Discontinuing Treatment Abruptly:

Do not stop taking Sorafenat abruptly without consulting your healthcare provider. Abrupt discontinuation can have consequences, and any decision to stop the medication should be made in collaboration with your healthcare team.

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FAQs on Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet

1. What is the Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet used for?

Sorafenat is primarily used for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer) and hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer). It is a targeted therapy that inhibits specific pathways involved in cancer cell growth and progression.

2. How does Sorafenat work?

Sorafenat is a kinase inhibitor that interferes with signaling pathways and enzymes involved in cancer cell proliferation and angiogenesis. It inhibits the growth-promoting signals that contribute to tumor progression.

3. What are the common side effects of Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet?

Common side effects include fatigue, diarrhea, hand-foot skin reaction, hypertension (high blood pressure), nausea, decreased appetite, rash, hair changes, and joint/muscle pain. It's important to report any side effects to the healthcare provider.

4. Can Sorafenat be taken with food?

The healthcare provider will provide specific instructions on whether Sorafenat should be taken with or without food. Following these instructions is important for optimal absorption and effectiveness.

5. How should Sorafenat 200 MG Tablet be taken?

Sorafenat is taken orally with water. The tablets should be swallowed whole and not crushed or chewed. Consistent timing and adherence to the prescribed schedule are important for the medication's effectiveness.

6. Are there any interactions with other medications?

Sorafenat may interact with certain medications. Inform the healthcare provider about all medications, supplements, or herbs being taken. Grapefruit and grapefruit products should be avoided during Sorafenat treatment.

7. Can Sorafenat be used during pregnancy?

Sorafenat may pose risks to the fetus, and its use during pregnancy is generally not recommended. Effective contraception is advised for individuals of childbearing potential during treatment.

8. How is blood pressure monitored during Sorafenat treatment?

Regular monitoring of blood pressure is important during Sorafenat treatment. The healthcare provider will determine the frequency of blood pressure checks and may recommend lifestyle modifications or additional medications to manage hypertension.

9. Can Sorafenat be abruptly stopped?

Abruptly stopping Sorafenat is not recommended without consulting the healthcare provider. The decision to discontinue or adjust the medication is made in collaboration with the healthcare team based on the individual's response to treatment.

10. What should I do if I miss a dose of Sorafenat?

If a dose is missed, follow the guidance of the healthcare provider. Generally, if it is almost time for the next scheduled dose, the missed one should be skipped. Doubling up on doses is not recommended.

Side Effect

Common side effects of Sorafenat 200 MG Tablets

Common side effects of Sorafenat include:


Feeling tired or experiencing a lack of energy is a common side effect. Adequate rest and moderate physical activity may help manage fatigue.

Diarrhea is a frequent side effect of Sorafenat. Staying hydrated and adjusting the diet with the guidance of a healthcare provider can help manage this symptom.
Hand-Foot Skin Reaction:

Sorafenat may cause redness, swelling, and tenderness on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. This is known as hand-foot skin reaction. Keeping the affected areas cool and avoiding tight shoes can provide relief.
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):

Sorafenat can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Regular monitoring of blood pressure and following healthcare provider recommendations for its management are essential.

Some individuals may experience nausea or an uneasy feeling in the stomach. Taking Sorafenat with food or as directed by the healthcare provider may help alleviate this symptom.
Decreased Appetite:

A decrease in appetite is a possible side effect. Maintaining a balanced diet and discussing any concerns with a healthcare provider can be beneficial.
Rash or Skin Changes:

Skin reactions, including rash or changes in skin color, may occur. It's important to inform the healthcare provider about any skin-related concerns.
Hair Changes:

Changes in hair color or texture, including hair thinning, may occur with Sorafenat. Discuss any concerns about hair changes with the healthcare team.
Voice Changes:

Some individuals may experience changes in their voice. Inform the healthcare provider about any persistent voice changes.

Headaches are a potential side effect. Adequate hydration and managing stress may help alleviate headaches.

Sorafenat may increase the risk of infections. Report any signs of infection, such as fever or persistent cough, to the healthcare provider promptly.
Gastrointestinal Upset:

Gastrointestinal upset, including abdominal pain or discomfort, may occur. It's important to communicate any digestive symptoms to the healthcare provider.
Pain in Joints or Muscles:

Some individuals may experience pain in joints or muscles. Inform the healthcare provider about any persistent or severe pain.


Uses of Sorafenat 200 MG Tablets

Here are the primary uses of Sorafenat:

Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (Kidney Cancer):

Sorafenat is commonly used for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma, a type of kidney cancer. It is prescribed when surgical removal of the tumor is not feasible, and the cancer has progressed to an advanced stage.
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Primary Liver Cancer):

Sorafenat is indicated for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the most common type of primary liver cancer. It is considered when surgery is not an option and in cases of advanced liver cancer.
Targeted Therapy:

As a targeted therapy, Sorafenat specifically targets and inhibits multiple kinases and signaling pathways involved in cancer cell proliferation, angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), and tumor progression.
Inhibition of Angiogenesis:

One of the key mechanisms of Sorafenat is the inhibition of angiogenesis, which is the process by which new blood vessels form to supply nutrients and oxygen to growing tumors. By targeting vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFRs), Sorafenat hampers the development of new blood vessels.
Disruption of Cell Signaling Pathways:

Sorafenat interferes with the Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway, which plays a role in cell growth and survival. By disrupting these pathways, the medication aims to slow down or inhibit the uncontrolled division of cancer cells.
Induction of Apoptosis:

The interference with signaling pathways and growth-promoting signals may lead to the induction of apoptosis, a process of programmed cell death. This is a mechanism by which Sorafenat contributes to reducing the viability of cancer cells.

How to use Sorafenat 200 MG Tablets?

Here is a general guide on how to use Sorafenat:

Prescription and Dosage:

Sorafenat is a prescription medication, and the dosage is determined by the treating oncologist based on various factors, including the type of cancer, its stage, and the patient's overall health.
Oral Administration:

Sorafenat is administered orally, and the tablets are taken by mouth. Swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water, without crushing or breaking it. Do not chew the tablet.
Timing and Consistency:

Take Sorafenat consistently at the same time each day. This helps maintain a steady level of the medication in the body. Follow the prescribed schedule provided by the healthcare provider.
With or Without Food:

Some medications are recommended to be taken with or without food. Follow the specific instructions provided by the healthcare provider regarding whether Sorafenat should be taken with or without food.
Avoid Grapefruit Products:

Grapefruit and grapefruit juice can interact with Sorafenat and affect its absorption. It is advisable to avoid consuming grapefruit or grapefruit products during the course of Sorafenat treatment.
Missed Dose:

If a dose is missed, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for the next scheduled dose, skip the missed one. Do not double up on doses to make up for a missed one.
Medical Check-ups and Monitoring:

Regular medical check-ups, including blood tests and imaging studies, are conducted to monitor the patient's response to Sorafenat and to assess any potential side effects. Attend all scheduled appointments as recommended by the healthcare provider.
Communication with Healthcare Provider:

Report any side effects, concerns, or changes in health to the healthcare provider promptly. Open communication ensures that the treatment plan can be adjusted as needed.
Duration of Treatment:

The duration of Sorafenat treatment varies and is determined by the healthcare provider. Some patients may receive continuous treatment, while others may undergo intermittent cycles based on the response to therapy.
Contraception (Birth Control):

Effective contraception is advised for individuals of childbearing potential during Sorafenat treatment, as the medication may pose risks to the fetus.


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